(Day and night February 23, 2024)
* Coastal plain area:
Cloudy with scattered showers and rain. Northeast wind level 2 - 3, some places level 4.
- Temperature: 22 – 27 o C
- Humidity: 80 – 90%
* Midland and mountainous areas:
Clouds change to cloudy, sunny during the day, rain in the afternoon and at night, scattered showers and thunderstorms in some places (Thunderstorms have the possibility of tornadoes, hail and strong gusts of wind). Light wind.
- Temperature: 22 – 33 o C.
- Humidity: 0 – 70%
* Vinh City Area:
The weather will be cloudy, with occasional rain and showers. Northeast wind level 2 - level 3.
- Temperature: 23 – 27 o C
- Humidity: 80 – 85%
* Cua Lo and Ngu Island area:
Partly cloudy with occasional rain and showers. Northeast wind force 3, occasionally force 4.
- Temperature: 22 – 26 o C
- Humidity: 85 – 90%
* Next 48 hours : Under the influence of the continental cold high pressure strengthening to the South, Nghe An province will have cloudy weather, scattered rain, showers and thunderstorms in some places. Strong northeast wind level 2-3, coastal areas level 4 in some places. The weather will turn cold.
1. Weather developments in the past 24 hours:
Currently (February 23), cold air has affected some places in the Northeast region.
2. Forecast of cold air developments:
Forecast: On February 23, cold air will affect the North Central region.
On land: From February 23, the wind inland will change direction to Northeast, strong level 2-3. In Thanh Hoa, the weather will turn cold. During this cold air mass, the lowest temperature in Thanh Hoa is generally from 17-20 degrees Celsius, in high mountainous areas, some places will be lower.
At sea: From February 23, in the northern area of Bac Bo Gulf, there will be strong northeast winds at level 5, gusts at level 7, waves 1.0-2.5m high; the northern sea area of the North East Sea will have strong northeast winds at level 6, gusts at level 7-8, waves 2.0-4.0m high, rough seas.
Forecast time | Area of influence | Lowest temperature (degrees C) | Average temperature (degrees C) |
February 23 | Thanh Hoa | 18 - 20 degrees C | 20 - 22 degrees C |
February 24 | Thanh Hoa | 17 - 20 degrees C | 19 - 21 degrees C |
3. Warning of possible natural disasters:
From February 23-24, the North Central region will have scattered showers and thunderstorms. Thunderstorms may include tornadoes, lightning, hail and strong gusts of wind.
4. Potential impact on the environment, living conditions, infrastructure, and socio-economic activities:
Strong winds and large waves at sea are likely to affect boating and other activities.
Thunderstorms accompanied by tornadoes, lightning, hail and strong winds can affect agricultural production, cause trees to fall, damage houses, traffic works and infrastructure.
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