Weather forecast for January 20, 2025, the Northern and North Central regions will have light rain in some places, fog in the early morning, sunny in the afternoon; cold at night and in the morning. In Hanoi, there will be no rain, the lowest temperature will be 13-15 degrees.
According to the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, the weather trend in the next 48 hours is as follows:
The Northern and North Central regions have light rain in some places, early morning there is scattered fog and light fog, sunny in the afternoon. Night and morning are cold; mountainous areas have severe cold.
Central Central region has some rain, sunny in the afternoon. North has cold night and morning.
Other areas have scattered showers at night, sunny during the day.
The weather at sea is windy and has big waves. Huyen Tran station has strong northeast wind level 6, gusting to level 8; Phu Quy station has strong wind level 7.
Forecast for January 20, the sea area west of the South East Sea (including the sea area west of Truong Sa archipelago) and from Phu Yen to Binh Thuan will have strong northeast wind level 6, gusting to level 7-8, rough sea, waves from 2-4.5m high.
Northeast sea area of North East Sea area, Northeast wind gradually increases to level 6, gusting to level 7-8, rough sea, waves from 2-4m high.
All vessels operating in the above areas are at high risk of being affected by cyclones, strong winds and large waves.
Weather forecast for January 20, 2025 in regions across the country:
Cloudy, no rain, light fog in the early morning, sunny in the afternoon. Light wind. Cold in the morning and at night.
Lowest temperature: 13-15 degrees.
Highest temperature: 22-24 degrees.
Cloudy, with rain in some places, early morning with scattered fog and light fog, sunny in the afternoon. Light wind. Cold in the morning and at night, with severe cold in some places.
Lowest temperature: 11-14 degrees, some places below 11 degrees.
Highest temperature: 21-24 degrees, some places above 24 degrees.
Cloudy, no rain, early morning fog and light fog scattered, sunny afternoon. Light wind. Cold morning and night; mountainous areas have some places with severe cold.
Lowest temperature: 12-15 degrees; high mountainous areas have places below 10 degrees.
Highest temperature: 21-24 degrees.
Thanh Hoa - Hue
Cloudy, with rain in some places, early morning fog and light fog in the North, less cloudy in the afternoon, sunny. Light wind. Cold in the morning and at night.
Lowest temperature: 13-16 degrees.
Highest temperature: 21-24 degrees.
Da Nang - Binh Thuan
North cloudy, some rain, sunny in the afternoon; South cloudy, sunny during the day, no rain at night. Northeast wind level 2-3. North cold in the morning and night.
Lowest temperature: 18-21 degrees.
Highest temperature: North 24-27 degrees, South 28-31 degrees.
Central Highlands
Cloudy, sunny during the day, some showers at night. Northeast wind level 2-3.
Lowest temperature: 12-15 degrees, some places below 14 degrees.
Highest temperature: 25-28 degrees.
Southern Vietnam
Cloudy, sunny during the day, some showers at night. Northeast wind level 2-3.
Lowest temperature: 21-24 degrees, some places below 21 degrees.
Highest temperature: 30-33 degrees.
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