According to the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, at 4:00 a.m. on September 19, the center of storm No. 4 was at about 17.4 degrees North latitude; 109.8 degrees East longitude, about 217km East Northeast of Da Nang, and about 262km East of Quang Tri.
Storm No. 4 has the strongest wind speed of level 8 (62-74km/h), gusting to level 10. It is forecasted that in the next hours, the storm will move westward at a speed of about 20km/h.
On land, last night and early this morning (September 19), in the North and Central Central regions, there was heavy rain and thunderstorms, locally very heavy rain. The rainfall from 7:00 p.m. on September 18 to 3:00 a.m. on September 19 was over 100mm in some places such as: A Luoi (Thua Thien Hue) 142.6mm, Tra Thanh (Quang Ngai) 112.4mm, Thanh Mai (Nghe An) 127.2mm, ...
Weather today (September 19) to the night of September 20, the area from Ha Tinh to Da Nang will have heavy to very heavy rain and scattered thunderstorms with common rainfall of 100-300mm, some places over 500mm.
Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Quang Nam, Quang Ngai areas have moderate rain, heavy rain and scattered thunderstorms, locally very heavy rain with common rainfall of 80-170mm, locally over 300mm.
The Central Highlands and the South have moderate rain, heavy rain and thunderstorms, locally very heavy rain with common rainfall of 20-40mm, locally over 70mm (rain concentrated in the afternoon and night).
In addition, today and tonight in the Northern Delta and South Central regions, there will be scattered showers and thunderstorms, locally heavy rain with rainfall from 10-30mm, locally over 70mm (rain concentrated in the afternoon and night).
Thunderstorms may cause tornadoes, lightning and strong gusts of wind.
Weather forecast September 18, 2024 in detail for regions across the country:
Cloudy, intermittent sunshine during the day; occasional showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon and evening. North wind level 2-3. During thunderstorms, there is a possibility of tornadoes, lightning and strong gusts of wind.
Lowest temperature: 24-26 degrees.
Highest temperature: 31-33 degrees.
Current situation in the past 3 hours: Analysis of satellite cloud images, weather radar images and lightning location data shows that convective clouds are developing and causing rain in the following districts: Dong Anh, Long Bien, Tay Ho, Bac Tu Liem, Cau Giay, Ba Dinh.
Warning of possible occurrence: In the next 30 minutes to 4 hours, convective clouds will continue to develop and expand, causing showers and thunderstorms in the above areas, and may expand to other inner-city districts of Hanoi such as: Ha Dong, Hoang Mai, Dong Da, Hoan Kiem, Hai Ba Trung, Thanh Xuan, Nam Tu Liem... During thunderstorms, there is a possibility of tornadoes, lightning, hail and strong gusts of wind.
Cloudy, sunny day; showers and thunderstorms in the evening and at night. Light wind. Thunderstorms may cause tornadoes, lightning and strong gusts of wind.
Lowest temperature: 23-26 degrees, some places below 22 degrees
Highest temperature: 31-34 degrees, some places above 34 degrees.
Cloudy, intermittent sunshine during the day; showers and thunderstorms in some places in the evening and at night; scattered showers and thunderstorms in the plains, locally heavy rain. Light wind. During thunderstorms, there is a possibility of tornadoes, lightning and strong gusts of wind.
Lowest temperature: 24-27 degrees.
Highest temperature: 32-34 degrees, some places above 34 degrees; in the plains 30-32 degrees.
Thanh Hoa - Thua Thien Hue
Cloudy, moderate rain, heavy rain and thunderstorms, locally very heavy rain, especially from Ha Tinh to Thua Thien Hue, heavy to very heavy rain and thunderstorms. North to northwest wind level 3-4. During thunderstorms, there is a possibility of tornadoes, lightning and strong gusts of wind.
Lowest temperature: 23-26 degrees.
Highest temperature: 27-30 degrees.
Da Nang - Binh Thuan
Cloudy, in the North (Da Nang to Quang Ngai) there will be heavy to very heavy rain and scattered thunderstorms; in the South there will be scattered showers and thunderstorms during the day, scattered showers and thunderstorms in the late afternoon and evening, with some heavy rain in some places. West to southwest wind level 3-4. During thunderstorms there is a possibility of tornadoes, lightning and strong gusts of wind.
Lowest temperature: 24-27 degrees.
Highest temperature: North 28-31 degrees, South 30-33 degrees, some places above 33 degrees.
Central Highlands
Cloudy, moderate to heavy rain and scattered thunderstorms, locally very heavy rain. Southwest wind level 3. Thunderstorms are likely to produce tornadoes, lightning and strong gusts of wind.
Lowest temperature: 20-23 degrees.
Highest temperature: 26-29 degrees, some places above 29 degrees.
Southern Vietnam
Cloudy, moderate to heavy rain and scattered thunderstorms, locally very heavy rain. Southwest wind level 3. Thunderstorms are likely to produce tornadoes, lightning and strong gusts of wind.
Lowest temperature: 23-26 degrees.
Highest temperature: 28-31 degrees, some places above 31 degrees.
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