Weather forecast for January 13, 2025, although the temperature will increase, the Northern region, Thanh Hoa and Nghe An will still be very cold, especially in the high mountains there is a possibility of frost and frost. The area from Ha Tinh to Quang Ngai will have rain in some places, cold weather.
According to the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, the weather trend from now until January 14 is as follows:
Northern region, Thanh Hoa and Nghe An: On the night of January 13 and January 14, there will be rain in some places, with scattered fog and light fog in the early morning. Cold weather, especially in the mountainous areas of the North, with severe cold in some places.
The area from Ha Tinh to Quang Ngai has rain in some places, cold weather. Other areas have scattered showers.
In addition, the meteorological agency warned of high tides in the eastern coastal areas of the South. The tide level is at a high level. It is forecasted that on January 13, the high tide level in the coastal provinces from Ba Ria - Vung Tau to Ca Mau will be from 405 - 415cm.
Weather forecast for January 13, 2025 in regions across the country:
Few clouds, sunny day, no rain at night, early morning fog in some places. Light wind. Cold weather.
Lowest temperature: 10-12 degrees.
Highest temperature: 20-22 degrees.
Few clouds, sunny days, no rain at night, some early morning fog. Light wind. Cold, some places very cold, severe cold. High mountainous areas have the possibility of frost and frost.
Lowest temperature: 11-14 degrees, in the Northwest region 7-10 degrees, in mountainous areas below 7 degrees.
Highest temperature: 20-23 degrees, some places below 20 degrees.
Few clouds, especially in coastal areas, cloudy at night; sunny during the day; no rain at night, early morning fog and light fog scattered. Light wind. Cold; mountainous areas have severe cold. High mountainous areas have the possibility of frost and frost.
Lowest temperature: 12-15 degrees; high mountainous areas have places below 7 degrees.
Highest temperature: 20-23 degrees; mountainous areas 12-15 degrees.
Thanh Hoa - Hue
In the North, it is partly cloudy and sunny during the day; partly cloudy at night, no rain, and foggy in some places in the early morning; in the South, it is partly cloudy and raining in some places. In the North, there is light wind; in the South, there is a north to northwest wind at level 2-3. It is cold.
Lowest temperature: 14-17 degrees.
Highest temperature: 20-23 degrees.
Da Nang - Binh Thuan
Cloudy in the North, with some rain; cloudy in the South, sunny during the day, no rain at night. Northeast wind level 2-3. Cold in the North.
Lowest temperature: 18-20 degrees, South 21-23 degrees.
Highest temperature: 22-24 degrees, South 26-28 degrees.
Central Highlands
Cloudy, sunny day, no rain at night. Northeast wind level 2-3.
Lowest temperature: 15-17 degrees.
Highest temperature: 24-27 degrees
Southern Vietnam
Cloudy, sunny day, no rain at night. Northeast wind level 2-3.
Lowest temperature: 20-23 degrees.
Highest temperature: 28-31 degrees, some places above 31 degrees.
At 6am today (January 13), the temperature in the Northern region, Thanh Hoa, Nghe An is very cold, some places are very cold. It is forecasted that in the next 1-2 hours (7-8 hours), the temperature in the above areas will change little.
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