In the first 10 days of March 2025, the weather in Dak Nong province will have scattered showers and thunderstorms. Heavy rain will be concentrated in the middle period.
Total rainfall in Cu Jut, Dak Mil, Krong No districts is common
However, on small rivers and streams, water levels fluctuate with a downward trend, and local water shortages and depletion continue to occur in Dak Nong province.
Compared to the average of many years, the level is 5 - 15% higher on the Ea Krong River. Particularly, the Krong No River (at Duc Xuyen hydrological station) is 1.70 - 1.90m lower.
Warning of water shortage in rivers and streams causing loss of water pressure surface, lack of water causing soil shrinkage, creating voids in the soil is the direct cause of landslides and land subsidence.
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