One of the major amendments and supplements to the draft Law on Employment (amended) is to expand the scope of loans for working abroad, creating opportunities for workers to access preferential credit sources.

On the afternoon of September 24, under the direction of Vice President of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Thanh, Standing Committee of the National Assembly give your opinion on Draft Law on Employment (amended). The draft Law consists of 9 chapters and 130 articles (an increase of 2 chapters and 68 articles compared to the 2013 Law on Employment).
Briefly presenting the draft law, Minister of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs Dao Ngoc Dung said that one of the major amendments and supplements of the draft law is to expand the subjects of loans to work abroad in order to institutionalize the Party's policy, ensure principles on employment, unify regulations related to loans to work abroad under contracts (regardless of central or local budget sources), creating opportunities for workers working abroad under contracts to have access to preferential credit sources.
Expected Employment Law (amended) regulations on subjects borrowing capital to work abroad under contract are workers working abroad under contract (not limited to 5 subjects as in the current Law), at the same time, flexible regulations on capital sources of localities, organizations, and other individuals entrusted to the Social Policy Bank.

According to Minister Dao Ngoc Dung, the draft Law ensures consistency and synchronization; has no contradictions, overlaps and duplications with the system of legal documents in the same field of employment, labor and social security and related fields; has no provisions contrary to the 2013 Constitution; and is compatible with international treaties to which Vietnam is a member and international commitments to which Vietnam participates.
It is necessary to continue to assess the impact and consult with affected subjects.
Basically agreeing with the goals and guiding views stated in the Submission, however, in the review report, Chairwoman of the National Assembly's Social Committee Nguyen Thuy Anh said that many regulations are still general, not specific, and do not ensure feasibility.
Many amended regulations in the draft Law do not have convincing grounds, it is necessary to continue to assess the impact and collect opinions from the affected subjects; benefits and costs have not been fully compared to determine suitable or optimal solutions to guide regulations, amendments and supplements.
“The content and quality of the draft Law on Employment (amended) need to continue to be given attention, absorbed, and thoroughly explained on the basis of this Preliminary Review Report and the review opinions of the National Assembly agencies,” the Standing Committee of the Social Affairs Committee stated.

The Standing Committee of the Social Committee recommends that the Standing Committee of the National Assembly request the Government and the drafting agency to continue to collect opinions, supplement information and data, and fully and thoroughly explain the opinions of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly, the opinions of the agency in charge of the review, and the National Assembly agencies to complete the draft Law, send it to the Social Committee for official review, and report to the Standing Committee of the National Assembly for consideration and decision on submitting it to the National Assembly for comments at the 8th Session.
Commenting on the draft law, National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man emphasized that the Law on Employment (amended) is an extremely important law in the law-making program approved by the National Assembly Standing Committee and submitted to the National Assembly for consideration and decision. The 13th National Party Congress has identified a breakthrough related to the labor market as a breakthrough in developing human resources, especially high-quality human resources.
Therefore, the completion of the Law on Employment (amended) needs to fully reflect the State's guidelines, policies, and laws to develop the labor market in a flexible, integrated, effective, and synchronous manner with the socialist-oriented market economy, improve the quality of human resources, and ensure sustainable employment for workers.

Considering that the previous Law on Employment had more than 60 articles, while the new Law has 130 articles, an increase of over 200% compared to the old Law, the National Assembly Chairman said that it is necessary to reduce what belongs to decrees and circulars, only stipulating in the draft issues within the scope and authority of the National Assembly, ensuring conciseness, clarity, ease of application and implementation.
The National Assembly Chairman also said that it is necessary to continue to carefully review the content of the draft law with other laws such as the Labor Code, the Law on Social Insurance, the Law on the Elderly, and the Law on Vietnamese Workers Working Abroad under Contract to avoid overlap and ensure consistency and unity of the legal system.
Agree to dissolve the National Employment Fund
Discussing specific issues related to finance and budget, Chairman of the Finance and Budget Committee Le Quang Manh agreed to abolish the National Employment Fund and transfer it to the Bank for Social Policies, saying that this is a suitable solution, consistent with budget regulations.
Mr. Le Quang Manh also agreed with the content of corporate income tax incentives for small and medium enterprises, cooperatives, and business households that create more jobs for workers according to the guidance on legal documents on tax.

Regarding the beneficiaries of preferential loan policies, the Chairman of the Finance and Budget Committee proposed adding demobilized soldiers.
Sharing the same view on dissolving the National Employment Fund, Secretary General of the National Assembly and Head of the National Assembly Office Bui Van Cuong proposed to summarize and supplement the assessment of the fund's operational efficiency.
Considering the content on job creation for the elderly as a new point of the draft, Mr. Phan Van Hung, Vice President of the Vietnam Association of the Elderly, commented that this content is still only orientational and not specific. Meanwhile, Vietnam already has 16 million elderly people and in less than 10 years, the golden population structure period will end.
“The need for employment among the elderly is also very high, while many businesses lay off workers when they are only 45-50 years old,” Mr. Hung worries. According to him, many elderly people want to work not only to earn income but also to contribute, affirm their position and through work, have joy and health.
The Vice President of the Vietnam Association of the Elderly said that according to incomplete statistics from this agency, there are currently about 7 million elderly people working in production, generating income, and contributing to socio-economic development.
"However, in the past, the elderly have not received attention in terms of vocational training, career change, loans, low income... Therefore, in the current context, it is very necessary to have a policy to solve employment for the elderly," Mr. Phan Van Hung added.

Commenting on the draft law, Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Ngo Duy Hieu said that the draft law mentioned the policy on career conversion towards reducing labor intensity and improving qualifications and professional skills for workers; but it was still "thin", while this was a very important factor to retain and attract foreign investment.
Regarding the subjects eligible for loans to support employment, Mr. Ngo Duy Hieu proposed adding workers who lost their jobs after natural disasters, crises, etc.
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