Agribank Plus - Latest updated version of Agribank E-Mobile Banking application
Unified "new look" for app and website platformsTrue to the name of Agribank Plus, the criteria that the bank oriented and developed for the new version are based on the 4 letters of the word "Plus". P in Prime - Excellence, L in Leading - Pioneering, Leading, U in United - Unity and S stands for Smart - Smart, Modern.
The most noticeable change when the new version of Agribank Plus was "launched" was the Bordeaux Red color scheme. In the new version, the entire layout and harmoniously interwoven colors are all aimed at a modern, youthful style to bring users new, more friendly experiences. Aiming for convenience and minimalism, each feature icon on Agribank Plus has been streamlined in size. The size adjustment is also applied to image or banner areas to increase the display area of icons and utility names, making it easier for users to observe and use. The updated version of Agribank Plus also invested heavily in design to optimize all user experiences during the payment process for financial and banking transactions. Specifically, the two features QR Pay and Money Transfer that are frequently used by users have been moved to a prominent position for more convenient and easier operations. Mr. Tung Le (30 years old, Hanoi) was very surprised when Agribank E-Mobile Banking had an updated version on mobile. “Changing the name and even the app color to Bordeaux red is so eye-catching. I often use QR code scanning and Money Transfer, so this change is very suitable for my usage frequency. I really support the change for Agribank's users”. In particular, so that users do not have to remember many separate usernames and passwords like before, Agribank Plus allows customers to only need 01 username and 01 password to log in to Agribank's app platforms or web browsers. The Agribank Plus login name is also the customer's phone number registered with the bank. Currently, the Agribank Plus application has appeared on the App Store/Google Play application markets. With the web browser, the updated version of Agribank Plus is displayed at Expanding utilities, enhancing experiences In addition to the VNPAY Taxi feature, VnShop shopping, Booking air tickets, train tickets, bus tickets..., on the occasion of launching this version, Agribank Plus also expanded 10 new utilities: Transfer money to many people, Schedule money transfer, Accumulated deposits, Auto bill (Automatic payment), Online check, Recent transactions, Send money to many people, Happy birthday, Book ship tickets, Book medical examination.Users are excited to experience new features on Agribank Plus. (Photo: VNPAY)
Previously, Ms. Huong Anh (50 years old, Lao Cai) had to go to the transaction counter to deposit savings, now she can proactively deposit savings through Agribank Plus. "My son has just instructed me on how to deposit savings on Agribank Plus through the Accumulated Deposit feature. Modern, convenient beyond imagination, you can freely set the time and amount of money you want to save, now I don't have to queue at the counter". For customer Viet Hung (28 years old, Vung Tau), he is quite satisfied with the new Boat Ticket Booking feature on Agribank Plus. "Because I am tired of being crowded on trains and buses, this month I will book a boat ticket from Ho Chi Minh City to Vung Tau to try it out. I see that the itinerary information such as time frame, price and seat selection... are updated in great detail". To experience this updated version, customers please visit the Apple Store app market with iOS devices or CH Play with Android devices, search for "Agribank Plus" and select "Update". For more information, please contact the Customer Care and Support Center: 1900.558.818/024.3205.3205 or at 2,300 Agribank transaction points nationwide. Source:
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