This afternoon, September 25, Standing Vice Chairman of Quang Tri Provincial People's Committee Ha Sy Dong worked with Quang Tri Microbiological Fertilizer Joint Stock Company (located in Quan Ngang Industrial Park) on the implementation status of the Komix Microbiological Organic Fertilizer Factory project.
Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Ha Sy Dong spoke at the meeting - Photo: NB
Quang Tri Microbiological Fertilizer Joint Stock Company was leased land by the Provincial People's Committee to implement the project of Komix Microbiological Organic Fertilizer Factory in Quan Ngang Industrial Park (IP) with an area of 50,950 m2 . The scale of the project is to build a factory with a capacity of 40,000 tons of products/year, divided into 2 phases. The total investment is 50 billion VND; the operating period is 50 years; the implementation progress is 24 months from May 2009 to May 2011. The goal of the project is to provide fertilizer for rubber companies in the province, in the region and internationally.
During the project implementation process, Quang Tri Microbiological Fertilizer Joint Stock Company invested in the construction, completion and operation of the Komix Microbiological Organic Fertilizer Factory (phase 1) in 2011 with an area of 38,901m2 ; the remaining area is 12,049m2 and many years later, even up to now, this company has not invested in the construction and completion of the factory phase 2 according to the approved project.
On October 18, 2017, the People's Committee of Quang Tri province issued Decision No. 2809/QD-UBND allowing this company to extend the land use progress by 24 months. However, after the extension period, the company has not yet implemented it.
Through working with the company and related units, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment has reported to the Provincial People's Committee on the land use situation for this project, in which it recommended that the Provincial People's Committee allow the temporary suspension of the land recovery procedures for the project's delayed land so that the company can prepare a dossier to request local planning adjustments, supplement project objectives, complete procedures and put the project into production before December 31, 2023. In case of not being permitted by the competent authority, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment will be assigned to prepare the land recovery procedures for the violating land.
Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Ha Sy Dong inspected production activities at Komix organic fertilizer factory of Quang Tri Microbiological Fertilizer Joint Stock Company - Photo: NB
According to the report of Quang Tri Microbiological Fertilizer Joint Stock Company, by October 17, 2022, the company had successfully completed the auction of divestment and ownership conversion and business restructuring. On June 10, 2024, the company changed its business registration certificate for the third time, increasing its charter capital to VND 50 billion. By the end of September 2024, the company's production and business turnover is estimated at VND 32.4 billion.
Currently, the company proposes to continue investing in phase 2 of the project to produce organic microbial fertilizer in pellet form (including 1 main production workshop, 1 raw material storage house, 1 finished product warehouse) with a construction area of 3,024 m2 , pouring concrete to renew the raw coal drying yard with an area of 3,000 m2 ...
However, up to now, the progress of completing and putting the entire project into operation has been delayed by about 13 years and the land area for continuing investment in phase 2 has expired its land use extension period, and has not been considered by the Provincial People's Committee to extend the land use progress. Therefore, the Provincial Economic Zone Management Board requested the company to work with the Department of Natural Resources and Environment to agree on a plan to extend the land use progress so that the unit has a basis to advise the Provincial People's Committee to adjust the investment project to ensure consistency in the investment progress and land use progress of the project in accordance with regulations.
At the meeting, the representative of Quang Tri Microbiological Fertilizer Joint Stock Company expressed his wish to extend the land use schedule to complete the project phase 2 and stabilize production.
Concluding the inspection, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Ha Sy Dong approved the request to extend the land use schedule to implement the phase 2 project and required the company to complete the project before June 30, 2025.
To accompany and support the company in completing the project, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Ha Sy Dong assigned the Provincial Economic Zone Management Board and the Department of Natural Resources and Environment to coordinate with the company to agree on a plan to submit to the Provincial People's Committee for consideration of extending the land use schedule; guide the company to adjust the investment policy and report to the Provincial People's Committee in October 2024.
Require Quang Tri Microbiological Fertilizer Joint Stock Company to commit to implementing the project, ensuring investment capacity and reviewing the production line system, machinery and equipment to improve production efficiency.
Phu Hai
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