With the motto "The station is home, the border is homeland, and ethnic people are blood brothers", officers and soldiers of Chieng On Border Post, Yen Chau district always strive to fulfill their tasks of protecting border sovereignty and security; supporting people in economic development, poverty reduction, and contributing to building a solid people's heart and mind position at the border.
Chieng On Border Guard Station is assigned to manage the area of Phieng Khoi and Chieng On communes and protect nearly 30 km of border, adjacent to Xieng Kho district, Hua Phan province (Lao PDR).
The unit regularly coordinates with local militia and people to patrol, control and protect the border and border markers. At the same time, it launches a mass movement to participate in the fight against crime, prevent free migration, illegal proselytizing, drug trafficking, etc.; and maintain the solidarity and friendship of the people on both sides of the border.
From 2022 to present, the unit has deployed 264 patrol teams with over 1,160 people to grasp the local situation; coordinated with communes and schools to organize 155 legal propaganda sessions for over 11,900 people. Fighting against crime, discovered and arrested 20 cases, 26 subjects related to drugs.
Officers and soldiers of Chieng On Border Post regularly stay close to the grassroots, grasp the people's thoughts and aspirations; guide the conversion of crop and livestock structures appropriately, achieving economic efficiency. Thanks to that, people are more self-reliant in labor and production, rise up to escape poverty, and increase their trust in the Party.
From 2022 to present, officers and soldiers of Chieng On Border Guard Station have supported the demolition of 2 temporary houses, donated breeding goats and many gifts to households in difficult circumstances, with a total value of 120 million VND; donated 920 kg of rice from the "Charity Rice Jar" to 92 households in difficult circumstances in 2 border communes; sponsored 9 children in difficult circumstances with a support level of 500,000 VND/child/month, of which, 2 children were adopted by the unit under the program "Helping children go to school"...
Maintaining border security, the officers and soldiers of Chieng On Border Post are always closely attached to the villagers, firmly patrolling the border and landmarks, firmly protecting every inch of the sacred land of the Fatherland, protecting the peace of the people.
Article and photos: Minh Thu - Huy Thanh - Thanh Huyen
Design: Bao Khanh
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