On January 9, the Mobile Film Screening Teams of Phu Tho Cultural - Cinema Center simultaneously launched film screenings to serve the people in 2025.
In 2025, Mobile Film Screening Teams in the province will screen outstanding films that are of interest to the public such as: Peach, Pho and Piano, Ao Lua Ha Dong, Sao Xanh Noi Bien Song, Phuong Chay, Ban Tinh Ca Trong Dem...
In particular, in the first launch, the film teams will screen the famous film "Peach, Pho and Piano" by director Phi Tien Son, which has just been selected by the National Film Censorship Council to compete for the 2025 Oscar.
Mobile film screening teams of Phu Tho Cultural - Cinema Center simultaneously launched to screen films to serve the people.
In 2025, the Film Screening Teams of Phu Tho Cultural - Cinema Center will conduct 1,042 film screenings to serve people in mountainous communes of 10 districts: Thanh Son, Tan Son, Yen Lap, Doan Hung, Cam Khe, Ha Hoa, Thanh Ba, Phu Ninh, Thanh Thuy and Tam Nong.
Mobile film screenings will bring people unique films, at the same time, contribute to improving cultural and spiritual life, creating opportunities for people in mountainous communes to access national cinema.
Bao Thoa
Source: https://baophutho.vn/doi-chieu-phim-luu-dong-ra-quan-phuc-vu-nhan-dan-226223.htm
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