What is Singapore Dollar (SGD)?
The Singapore Dollar (abbreviated SGD) is the official currency of Singapore, issued by the Reserve Bank of Singapore. The Singapore Dollar is denoted by $ or S$ to distinguish it from other dollars such as the US dollar, Canadian dollar,
Currently, the Singapore market is circulating two types of money: paper money and coins.
Singapore Dollar banknotes. (Illustration photo)
How much is 1 Singapore dollar in Vietnamese Dong?
According to Singapore currency exchange rate on April 12, 2024 at Vietcombank:
1 SGD has a cash purchase price of 17,955.42 VND
1 SGD has a transfer purchase price of 18,136.79 VND
1 SGD has a selling price of 18,719.09 VND
Based on the exchange rate of 1 SGD, customers can refer to the following denominations:
If buying cash
10 SGD = 179,554.2 VND
20 SGD = 359,108.4 VND
50 SGD = 897,771 VND
If buying by bank transfer
10 SGD = 181,367.9 VND
20 SGD = 362,735.8 VND
50 SGD = 906,839.5 VND
Selling price
10 SGD = 187,190.9 VND
20 SGD = 374,381.8 VND
50 SGD = 935,954.5 VND
Where is a reputable place to exchange Singapore dollars?
To get the best exchange value and ensure safety, customers should choose a reputable location.
In Vietnam, customers can exchange Singapore Dollars at banks, money exchange counters at airports, or tourist areas licensed by the State.
When exchanging, you need to bring your ID card or passport to complete the procedure. You need to carefully check the exchange rate, service fee and request a receipt.
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