According to statistics from the Thanh Hoa Department of Industry and Trade, in the first quarter of 2024, informal exports and exports to enterprises outside the province were estimated at 13.1 million USD, up 23.4% over the same period and equal to 21.9% of the plan. Of which, wood chip exports reached 131 thousand m3, up 76.8% over the same period.
To boost consumption of goods, many units and enterprises focus on diversifying products, investing in technology to shift production to some new items; at the same time, reducing operating costs, reducing prices to exploit more orders from new markets, signing small orders to maintain stable production.

Economic experts say that the difficulties of the wood industry will continue throughout 2024 due to the decrease in global consumer demand and many countries tightening trade defense to protect domestically produced products and goods. Therefore, relevant departments, branches and units are continuing to accompany businesses in trade promotion, creating conditions for wood industry businesses to seek and expand markets.
Source: THNM Newsletter May 18
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