(PLVN) - Resolution 41-NQ/TW on building and promoting the role of Vietnamese entrepreneurs in the new era continues to affirm and promote the role and position of the enterprise and entrepreneur team, including ethnic enterprises (EOEs), as one of the core forces contributing to promoting the cause of industrialization, modernization of the country and international integration; building and developing an independent, autonomous economy, ensuring national defense and security. Vietnam Law Newspaper interviewed Mr. Nguyen Xuan Phu, Chairman of the Board of Directors of SUNHOUSE Group Joint Stock Company, about the reception of enterprises for this Resolution.
Mr. Nguyen Xuan Phu, Chairman of the Board of Directors of SUNHOUSE Group Joint Stock Company. |
(PLVN) - Resolution 41-NQ/TW on building and promoting the role of Vietnamese entrepreneurs in the new era continues to affirm and promote the role and position of the enterprise and entrepreneur team, including ethnic enterprises (EOEs), as one of the core forces contributing to promoting the cause of industrialization, modernization of the country and international integration; building and developing an independent, autonomous economy, ensuring national defense and security. Vietnam Law Newspaper interviewed Mr. Nguyen Xuan Phu, Chairman of the Board of Directors of SUNHOUSE Group Joint Stock Company, about the reception of enterprises for this Resolution.
A DNDT needs a clear strategic vision to develop.
Building a strong, elite, modern enterprise team that meets the integration needs is an urgent requirement. According to you, what qualities and conditions must a private enterprise possess?
- To become an E-enterprise, Vietnamese enterprises need to build core elements and have long-term value. This means that an E-enterprise will not only stop at building the economy but also need to become a cultural and political symbol, representing the aspiration to build an independent, self-reliant, sustainable and globally integrated Vietnamese economy.
“If we focus on synchronous implementation, Vietnamese SMEs can completely rise strongly, become the core force, and bring the Vietnamese economy to a new position on the global economic map,” said Mr. Nguyen Xuan Phu, Chairman of the Board of Directors of SUNHOUSE Group Joint Stock Company.
An E-business will need a clear strategic vision to develop. It is not only necessary to serve domestic needs well but also to reach international levels, becoming the leading locomotives of key economic sectors and fields in the global supply chain and value chain, mastering a number of industrial and agricultural value chains. To do that, Vietnamese enterprises need to cooperate together, building competitive advantages for Vietnamese enterprises in the international arena. By creating a sustainable ecosystem, cooperating with domestic suppliers, Vietnamese enterprises will reduce their dependence on imported raw materials and gradually participate deeply in the global supply chain.
In addition to the goal of business efficiency, Vietnamese enterprises also need to take business ethics and culture as a foundation, both preserving and representing national identity and absorbing the quintessence of world business culture to affirm Vietnam's position in the integration period. Innovation is an essential factor, focusing on digital transformation and applying advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), or new materials to improve product quality, enhance productivity and competitiveness. To do this, international integration in research and development (R&D) is for enterprises to maintain their internal strength and be ready to face challenges when integrating globally.
In addition, a SME also needs to apply a sustainable business model, protect the environment, reduce industrial waste, strive to apply recycling processes and have activities to promote the development of the local economy and society, thereby not only developing the economy but also making a positive contribution to society. Thus, SME will not only be an economic symbol but also a factor promoting the pride and sustainable development of the country.
To reach out to the big sea in the new era, enterprises must always make breakthroughs in thinking, especially the "DNDT" thinking. Does SUNHOUSE want to become a DNDT? What are your orientations and what difficulties and obstacles do you encounter?
- From the beginning, SUNHOUSE's mission was determined to become a "DNDT". Not only a household goods manufacturing enterprise, SUNHOUSE represents the aspiration for self-reliance and innovation of the Vietnamese people in the period of international integration. We have achieved the goal of becoming a national enterprise with the number 1 market share in the household appliances sector in the Vietnamese market and are moving further to become one of the leading enterprises in the region and the world, contributing to affirming the position of the Vietnamese economy in the international arena. Up to now, our target market and competitors are no longer in the Vietnamese market but multinational corporations, global scale.
However, SUNHOUSE's journey to the big sea is not without challenges. Fierce competition from international brands has created the driving force for us to pioneer in becoming a Vietnamese national brand with international standards. To overcome these obstacles, SUNHOUSE has invested heavily in research and development, and cooperated in technology transfer with international partners to improve technology and enhance product quality. We also promote Vietnamese brands at international fairs, proving that Vietnamese products can compete with foreign brands. In addition, we also implement communication campaigns to raise awareness among domestic consumers, affirming that choosing Vietnamese products not only brings value to themselves but also contributes to the sustainable development of the country.
Need a system of synchronous and breakthrough mechanisms and policies
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According to you, what breakthrough mechanisms and policies do the Party and State need to build to develop e-commerce to reach international standards as many countries have successfully done?
- To develop foreign-invested enterprises to reach international standards, become large and powerful corporations with a position in the global value chain, it is necessary to have a system of synchronous and breakthrough mechanisms and policies to create strong motivation for enterprises to develop. These policies must cover everything from building national brands, improving the quality of human resources, promoting technology transfer, to financial support and sustainable development. All will be an important foundation for Vietnamese enterprises to not only compete domestically but also affirm their position in the international arena.
First and foremost, there needs to be a strong national branding program, supported by programs that connect businesses with international experts in the fields of marketing and import-export. Vietnamese businesses need to be clearly positioned on the global trade map, with branding strategies that are closely linked to cultural values and product quality. This not only enhances the position of Vietnamese businesses but also creates conditions for Vietnamese businesses to penetrate deeper into international markets through diplomatic networks.
Second, there needs to be a policy to prioritize domestic consumption, promote national pride and prioritize the use of “Made in Vietnam” products in public projects, creating a solid foundation for the development of Vietnamese enterprises;
Third, the Government needs to create a mechanism for leading enterprises in the industry to play a leading role, linking with domestic suppliers to form a synchronous supply chain, thereby reducing dependence on imported raw materials;
Fourth, it is necessary to promote technology transfer projects from abroad, especially in the fields of semiconductor industry, new materials and artificial intelligence. This will help Vietnamese enterprises master advanced technologies, thereby enhancing global competitiveness.
Fifth, it is necessary to focus on improving the quality of human resources through specialized training programs in industrial design, smart manufacturing management, and the application of advanced technologies such as AI and IoT. In addition, international cooperation programs and the establishment of local training centers will help disseminate technological knowledge widely and build a high-quality workforce;
Sixth, policies on import tax exemption and reduction for raw materials and financial incentives for enterprises investing in R&D need to be strongly implemented to enhance the competitiveness of Vietnamese products in the international market. Finally, there needs to be policies to support the transition to a circular economic model, focusing on recycling and reducing industrial waste, which will help Vietnamese enterprises develop sustainably, meet international environmental standards and increase export opportunities.
Thank you very much!
Source: https://baophapluat.vn/doanh-nghiep-doanh-nhan-viet-nam-va-su-menh-voi-dan-toc-bai-3-xay-dung-doanh-nghiep-dan-toc-can-co-chuong-trinh-phat-trien-thuong-hieu-quoc-gia-manh-me-post536202.html
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