Updated date: 03/19/2025 13:43:57
DTO - On March 19, at Xeo Quit Hall, Comrade Nguyen Xuan Thang - Politburo member, Director of Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council, Head of Inspection Team No. 1914 of the Politburo chaired the Conference to approve the draft report on the inspection results of Inspection Team No. 1914 on the Standing Committee of Dong Thap Provincial Party Committee. Receiving and working with the Delegation were Comrade Le Quoc Phong - Member of the Central Party Executive Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee; comrades of the Provincial Party Standing Committee; leaders of specialized agencies advising and assisting the Provincial Party Committee; Provincial Party Committee and People's Committee.
Conference scene
At the conference, the representative of Inspection Team No. 1914 presented the draft Inspection Results Report to the Standing Committee of the Dong Thap Provincial Party Committee. The inspection contents include: the organization of the implementation of Directive No. 35 dated June 14, 2024 of the Politburo on Party congresses at all levels towards the 14th National Congress of the Party (abbreviated as Directive No. 35) and Conclusion No. 118 dated January 18, 2025 of the Politburo on adjusting and supplementing a number of contents of Directive No. 35 (abbreviated as Conclusion No. 118). Reviewing the summary of Resolution No. 18 dated October 25, 2017 of the 12th Party Central Committee "Some issues on continuing to innovate and reorganize the political system to be streamlined and operate effectively and efficiently" (abbreviated as Resolution No. 18) and Conclusion No. 121 dated January 24, 2025 of the Party Central Committee on summarizing Resolution No. 18 (abbreviated as Conclusion No. 121), associated with the establishment and operation of new Party committees.
At the same time, inspect the implementation and organization of Resolution No. 57 dated December 22, 2024 of the Politburo on breakthroughs in science, technology, innovation and national digital transformation (abbreviated as Resolution No. 57); the implementation of Conclusion No. 123 dated January 24, 2025 of the Party Central Committee on the Supplementary Project on socio-economic development in 2025 with a growth target of 8% or more (abbreviated as Conclusion No. 123).
According to the draft Report, the Standing Committee of Dong Thap Provincial Party Committee has focused on leading, directing and organizing research, studying and thoroughly grasping the resolutions, directives and conclusions of the Central Committee, creating consensus in the political system and all classes of people. The implementation of Directive No. 35 and Conclusion No. 118 in Dong Thap province has been carried out systematically and synchronously, achieving many positive results. The implementation of tasks on restructuring the apparatus according to Resolution No. 18 and the directives of the Central Steering Committee has been basically completed; the results of reviewing, perfecting and restructuring the apparatus have been carried out synchronously. The provincial political system has been streamlined, put into effective and efficient operation, the leadership role of the Party has been strengthened; the management work of the State and the activities of the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations have been gradually improved.
In addition, the Provincial Party Committee has established a Steering Committee on science, technology, innovation and digital transformation development in Dong Thap province; before Resolution No. 57 was issued, the Provincial Party Committee has led and directed the implementation, achieving some remarkable results. The application of information technology and digital transformation has made many advances, and online public services have been effective. At the same time, the Provincial Party Committee has demonstrated a spirit of solidarity, unity and determination in implementing Conclusion No. 123; focusing on leadership, direction, exploiting potentials, mobilizing all resources to promote socio-economic development, contributing to achieving the growth target of 8% or more in 2025.
The draft Inspection Results Report also points out the difficulties, obstacles, and lessons learned in leadership and direction for the Standing Committee of Dong Thap Provincial Party Committee to focus on implementing and overcoming in the coming time.
Comrade Nguyen Xuan Thang - Member of the Politburo, Director of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council, Head of Inspection Team No. 1914 delivered a concluding speech at the conference.
Concluding the conference, Comrade Nguyen Xuan Thang - Politburo member, Director of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council, Head of Inspection Team No. 1914 highly appreciated the seriousness of the Standing Committee of the Dong Thap Provincial Party Committee in fully and comprehensively preparing the inspection contents. The Standing Committee of the Dong Thap Provincial Party Committee has closely followed the policies, regulations and instructions of the Central Committee, resolutely and synchronously implemented the resolutions, directives and conclusions of the Central Committee; ensuring the motto of "clear people, clear work, clear progress, clear results, clear responsibilities".
Comrade Nguyen Xuan Thang noted that the province needs to pay attention to developing science, technology, innovation and digital transformation; promote private economic development; focus on developing high-quality human resources, building a team of cadres with sufficient capacity, qualities and prestige to meet the requirements of assigned tasks. Review public investment, projects facing difficulties and obstacles, resolve them according to authority or promptly recommend competent authorities to handle and remove bottlenecks; establish a new growth model, and unlock all resources for the province's development. The head of Inspection Team No. 1914 acknowledged the province's recommendations and requested the members of the Team to complete the inspection results report to submit to the Politburo and the Secretariat.
Comrade Le Quoc Phong - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee spoke to receive opinions at the conference.
On behalf of the Standing Committee of the Dong Thap Provincial Party Committee, Comrade Le Quoc Phong - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee thanked and accepted the conclusions of Comrade Nguyen Xuan Thang and the comments of the members of Inspection Team No. 1914. Thereby, helping the Standing Committee of the Dong Thap Provincial Party Committee identify many issues in the process of leading and operating the common tasks of the province. At the same time, helping the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee identify more clearly the tasks that need to be focused on in 2025 and the following years, continuing to strengthen the implementation of the contents of the 4 thematic groups inspected by Inspection Team No. 1914, contributing to the leadership and direction of the effective implementation of the common tasks of the province.
Ngan Nguyen
Source: https://baodongthap.vn/chinh-tri/doan-kiem-tra-cua-bo-chinh-tri-lam-viec-voi-ban-thuong-vu-tinh-uy-dong-thap-130001.aspx
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