Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son led the Vietnamese delegation to attend conferences preparing for the 42nd ASEAN Summit in May 2023.
On the occasion of Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son leading the Vietnamese delegation to attend the 56th ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting (AMM), Acting Head of Vietnam's ASEAN SOM, Ambassador Vu Ho shared about the importance of the Conference to the development path of the Community and the Association's goals in 2023.
This AMM takes place after the successful 42nd ASEAN Summit with many important results and commitments, and ASEAN 2023 is entering the second half of its journey, in the context of many complicated developments in the region and the world. Could you please tell us about the significance and key tasks of this AMM for the common goals of ASEAN?
The 56th AMM and related meetings from July 8-14 in Jakarta, Indonesia are the largest annual series of activities of ASEAN Foreign Ministers.
The main purpose of these conferences is to review the achievements in the first half of the year and to set the direction for ASEAN cooperation in the rest of the year. It can be seen that these activities are very important, both as a mid-year review and a step to strengthen ASEAN's determination for peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region.
ASEAN cooperation is a long-term, complex process that is both deep and broad, with the participation of all ministries and sectors of member countries, as well as support from external partners. Therefore, AMM Conferences are always "regional festivals", not only a place to discuss ASEAN cooperation but also a place for exchange and connection between countries.
On that basis, a successful AMM will be a contribution to dialogue and cooperation in the region, a common asset of the whole ASEAN.
The message of ASEAN solidarity and the need for a more innovative and energetic ASEAN was emphasized by Vietnamese leaders at the 42nd ASEAN Summit. At this AMM, what are the key initiatives that the Vietnamese delegation wants to emphasize, Ambassador?
As mentioned above, each term of ASEAN Chairmanship has its own nuances, representing the efforts of the members for the Community. The priorities and initiatives proposed by the Chairman and approved by the Leaders also become the common assets of the Association. Therefore, the successful implementation of the priorities and initiatives during the year is the responsibility of the members.
As for ASEAN, the emerging feature in 2023, which Indonesia is actively implementing, is a more united, dynamic and independent ASEAN. Therefore, the initiatives are all aimed at building an ASEAN in a central position, successfully responding to the challenges of the times, and being the driving force for development in the region. True to the theme of ASEAN 2023 "ASEAN of stature: The heart of development".
In this picture, the Vietnamese delegation participated in the Conferences with a confident, positive, proactive attitude, participated and contributed constructively, and was responsible for strengthening solidarity, promoting the spirit of mutual assistance, and promoting the building of the ASEAN Community. From there, it contributed to building a unified image of ASEAN, as the leading force in the common efforts for peace, stability, and sustainable development in the region.
With partners, Vietnam exchanges in a spirit of harmony, taking dialogue as the basis, avoiding confrontation, reducing differences, and encouraging partners to support ASEAN in building the Community. Of course, the Vietnamese delegation will still resolutely and persistently protect national interests, in harmony with the interests of the Community, steadfast in principles but flexible in implementation.
Many people have thought of a desirable conclusion for an effective and efficient Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC) in 2023 in the context of the complicated developments in the East Sea. Could you please tell us how the East Sea or Myanmar issues will be discussed within the framework of this AMM?
ASEAN cooperation is a regional process, with the participation of many countries in the world, including major countries, to varying degrees. The international and regional situation is also a regular topic of discussion between Foreign Ministers at the Conferences. All emerging issues, including developments in the East Sea, ASEAN’s efforts to support Myanmar, and other “hot spots” in the region such as the Korean Peninsula or relations around the Taiwan Strait, will be discussed by the countries.
For a long time, ASEAN has been known for its “ASEAN way”. Frank dialogue, sincere exchange, and close consultation are the main methods ASEAN uses to move towards cooperation. With these methods, countries will find a common voice on all issues, no matter how difficult, complicated, or even sensitive they are.
The East Sea is an important sea not only in terms of geopolitics but also as the lifeline of world goods. Building the East Sea into a sea of peace, cooperation and sustainable development is a common task of all countries.
It is true that in international relations, disputes are inevitable, especially over territory and maritime territory. However, if all parties are committed to self-restraint, to building trust, and to international law, these disputes will be controlled. Similarly, the complexities in the East Sea can be resolved peacefully in the spirit of dialogue and respect for the rule of law.
The purpose of developing a COC is to contribute to creating a suitable environment for dialogue and trust building. This process has been going on for many years. Through the exchanges, it can be seen that the parties now understand each other better and are ready to work together for an effective and efficient COC in accordance with international law, UNCLOS 1982.
At this conference, ASEAN and Chinese Foreign Ministers reviewed the situation in the East Sea, the progress made in building the COC and agreed on major orientations for this process.
Over the past two years, the turmoil in Myanmar has attracted the attention of countries. Myanmar is an ASEAN member, so it is natural to discuss ways to support a member in difficulty, this is also a feature of ASEAN culture. For a long time, ASEAN has been very consistent in its viewpoint, that is, the problems of Myanmar must be decided by the people of Myanmar, ASEAN will fully support these problems to be resolved peacefully. In addition, ASEAN will continue to provide humanitarian aid to the people of Myanmar.
Once again, it can be seen that this series of AMM Conferences will be an event affirming the spirit of ASEAN solidarity, readiness for frank dialogue, sincere cooperation for peace, stability and common prosperity.
The Association is looking forward to celebrating the 56th anniversary of ASEAN (August 8, 1967 - August 8, 2023). How does the Ambassador assess the role and position of the Association in the region and internationally today?
ASEAN was born, existed and developed for more than half a century. The difficulties and challenges that ASEAN has overcome throughout its history have shown the strong vitality of the Association. The success of ASEAN has the contribution of its members and in return, behind the success and development of its members is the shadow of ASEAN.
At 56 years old, ASEAN has gone through many “bumps” of history, becoming more mature and grown up. The rashness and even suspicion have passed, trust has been formed, consultation has become a custom, cooperation has become a habit. These are the things that have made ASEAN better, receiving higher appreciation from international partners and friends.
In short, ASEAN today is a key force in regional cooperation for peace, stability and common prosperity and is also an indispensable part of the foreign policies of its members.
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