Promoting its role, the Fatherland Front at all levels of Bac Kan province has implemented many good practices in propaganda and mobilization work to mobilize people to participate in developing agricultural products, contributing to improving and enhancing the quality of people's lives.
According to Ms. Do Thi Minh Hoa - Chairwoman of the Fatherland Front Committee of Bac Kan province, closely following the direction of the Provincial Party Committee, the Fatherland Front Committees at all levels in the province have concretized the Resolutions in implementing their functions and tasks, associated with implementing the campaigns "All people unite to build new rural areas, civilized urban areas", "Vietnamese people prioritize using Vietnamese goods", and the movement "Creative solidarity".
In particular, the Fatherland Front Committees at all levels of Bac Kan province have closely coordinated with the government and coordinated actions with member organizations, promoted the role of gathering solidarity, promoted the strength of the great national solidarity bloc; focused on innovation, creativity, improved the quality of propaganda work, diversified the forms of gathering, mobilized people to develop agriculture and forestry in the direction of concentrated commodity production, expanded production linkages according to the value chain, associated with new rural construction in many rich and diverse forms, suitable to the subjects and conditions of each locality such as visual propaganda, mobile radio broadcasting in ethnic languages, through village and group meetings; meetings of the Front Work Committee, activities of Party cells, Youth Union branches, Association branches, coordinated in building and replicating self-management models among the people to help each other develop the economy associated with participating in the development of collective economic forms.
In Vi Huong commune (Bach Thong district), to help people increase their income, proactively escape poverty, and build new rural areas, Mr. Chu Van Hanh - Party Cell Secretary, Head of the Front Work Committee of Na Sang village regularly visits each family to propagate, mobilize, and explain to people to promptly grasp and boldly convert crops and livestock with economic value. After many years, the number of poor households in the village has decreased to only 11 households and 1 near-poor household.
With the efforts of all levels and sectors, including the contribution of the Fatherland Front of Bac Kan province in the work of propaganda and mobilization of people to change the crop structure, choose suitable crop varieties, expand the cultivated area, increase productivity, product quality, form concentrated commodity production areas, and enhance the value of goods. Up to now, agricultural and forestry products have developed in a diverse and rich way, initially becoming commodities, some products have brands and geographical indications known to domestic and foreign consumers. At the same time, in order to promote the role of self-management in the village and hamlet community, mobilize the strength of the great national unity bloc, enhance the positivity, self-awareness, creativity and internal strength of the people, proactively implement measures to protect the environment, improve the landscape, preserve and promote the local cultural identity, typical agricultural products, in 2024, the Fatherland Front Committee of Bac Kan province built a model of "Self-managed residential area, consensus, developing experiential agricultural tourism combined with preserving traditional costumes" associated with the campaign "All people unite to build new rural areas, civilized urban areas" in Na Hai village (Quang Khe commune, Ba Be district).
According to information from the Standing Committee of the Fatherland Front Committee of Bac Kan province, experience from the practice of mobilizing people to participate in developing agricultural products shows that the effectiveness of close and harmonious coordination between the Fatherland Front and authorities at all levels, specialized agencies, promoting the role of gathering solidarity, promoting the strength of the great solidarity bloc, and arousing aspirations in production are important contributing factors to ensure success in mobilizing people to develop agricultural commodity production...
At the same time, regularly innovate and improve the quality of propaganda and mobilization work to mobilize people to participate in developing agricultural commodity products, especially in implementing policies and projects to support production development. The Front's work to mobilize people to participate in developing agricultural commodity products must closely follow the reality of the grassroots, have a focus, key points, clear areas, and clear objects; proactively and flexibly apply information technology and digital transformation in the work of the Front, meeting the requirements in the new situation...
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