On the afternoon of October 24, the National Assembly discussed in groups the draft Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Health Insurance and the draft Law on Data. Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the National Assembly Delegation of Quang Tri Province Le Quang Tung was the head of the discussion group.
Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the National Assembly Delegation of Quang Tri Province Le Quang Tung suggested a number of issues for delegates to focus on discussing - Photo: NTL
Suggesting some issues for the National Assembly deputies (NA deputies) in the group to focus on discussing, Head of the Discussion Group Le Quang Tung proposed: Regarding the draft Law on Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Health Insurance, requesting NA deputies to give their opinions on the contribution level, responsibility for paying health insurance, scope of health insurance benefits, health insurance benefit levels. Settlement of medical examination and treatment costs, regulations on late payment and evasion of health insurance payment.
Regarding the draft Law on Data, it is recommended to focus on discussing the following contents: consistency and uniformity in the legal system; feasibility of the provisions in the draft law, provisions on the application of science and technology in processing, managing, administering, using, exploiting data, data development fund, national comprehensive database, etc.
Commenting on the draft Law on Data, Deputy Head of the Provincial Delegation of National Assembly Deputies Hoang Duc Thang said that the scope of regulation of this draft law is too broad, and suggested determining the limited scope to build the draft law in the right direction, which should mainly regulate the scope of data, the use and management of data.
Delegate Hoang Duc Thang speaks at the discussion - Photo: NTL
Delegates suggested that the draft law should supplement state policies on data development. Accordingly, there should be a planning strategy, data development plan, infrastructure policy, and a clear distinction between state investment and socialization to commercialize data activities; policies on resource development, financial infrastructure, facilities and human resources.
Regarding the regulation of the Data Development Fund, delegates disagreed with the establishment of this fund but suggested that the state should play a leading role in investing in infrastructure and national data platforms, then there will be mechanisms and policies to commercialize types of data that can be bought and sold and will operate according to economic laws.
Speaking about the draft Law on Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Health Insurance, delegate Hoang Duc Thang said that this law still has many shortcomings, closely related to the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment; practically related to people's lives, citing the case of some people going to medical facilities but these facilities lack medicine or medical supplies due to objective reasons, forcing patients to buy them themselves according to the doctor's instructions, the delegate said that this situation is detrimental to the rights of people who receive medical examination and treatment using health insurance cards.
Therefore, it is recommended that the Drafting Committee stipulate that if the drugs and medical supplies that patients buy outside are included in the health insurance list, the medical facility must be responsible for refunding the money to the patient. At the same time, it is recommended that the drafting agency study to have unified regulations on health insurance payments between the social insurance agency and the medical facility to ensure the rights of people who receive medical examination and treatment using health insurance cards.
Participating in the discussion of the draft Data Law, Commander of the Quang Tri Provincial Military Command, delegate Nguyen Huu Dan said that this is a strategic law project with a wide scope of regulation, deeply affecting many aspects of social life and closely related to 69 other legal documents. However, in the process of completion, it is necessary to continue reviewing to ensure consistency and feasibility when implementing in practice.
Delegate Nguyen Huu Dan gives his opinion on the draft Law on Data - Photo: NTL
The delegate also raised a number of points that need to be revised, such as the lack of consistency in the use of the Data Development Fund between Clause 1, Article 44 and Clause 4, Article 29 of the draft law, and requested a more comprehensive assessment of the impact of the Data Law on other legal documents, instead of being limited to just 6 laws as it is now.
Regarding the draft amendments and supplements to a number of articles of the Law on Health Insurance, delegates emphasized the necessity of implementing Conclusion No. 41-KL/TW of the Central Party Secretariat on ensuring adequate regimes and policies for the militia and self-defense forces, especially the standing militia - the force directly participating in dangerous tasks such as counter-terrorism, search and rescue, and disaster relief.
According to delegate Nguyen Huu Dan, currently, the standing militia enjoys social insurance and health insurance equivalent to that of non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the Vietnam People's Army on active duty. However, their relatives have not yet been able to purchase health insurance cards from the state budget while the draft Decree amending Decree No. 72/2020/ND-CP of the Government has mentioned adding relatives of the standing militia to the list of beneficiaries of health insurance, similar to relatives of non-commissioned officers and soldiers on active duty.
Delegates proposed that the National Assembly add this subject to the draft revised law to ensure consistency and fairness with current regulations on military service, helping the standing militia force to have more comprehensive protection.
Nguyen Ly - Thanh Tuan
Source: https://baoquangtri.vn/doan-dbqh-tinh-quang-tri-thao-luan-tai-to-ve-cac-du-thao-luat-189244.htm
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