Speaking at the discussion at Group 4, including the delegations of National Assembly deputies from Hai Phong city, Ninh Thuan province, Ba Ria-Vung Tau and Tuyen Quang, delegate Nguyen Van Thuan, National Assembly delegation of Ninh Thuan province, said: Supervisory activities are one of the three main functions of the National Assembly and the People's Council (HDND) (Inspection - Decision - Supervision). After more than 8 years of implementing the Law, the supervisory activities of the National Assembly and People's Councils have been continuously promoted, with many innovations and achieved many important results, highly appreciated by the people and voters nationwide. Through supervisory activities, the correctness and feasibility of policies and laws have been affirmed; limitations and inadequacies have been promptly detected.
However, according to the development trend, the supervisory activities of the National Assembly and People's Councils now require constant innovation in both content and form, increasingly improving quality and efficiency, in order to meet the requirements of socio-economic development and international integration of the country. Therefore, delegate Nguyen Van Thuan said that amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Supervisory Activities of the National Assembly and People's Councils 2015 is necessary.
Delegate Nguyen Van Thuan, National Assembly Delegation of Ninh Thuan province, spoke at the discussion group.
This draft Law (fourth draft), after being amended and supplemented, will consist of 5 chapters and 91 articles, reflecting relatively fully the content of 5 major policy groups in the supervision activities of the National Assembly and People's Councils. Specifically: Supplementing principles of supervision activities; criteria for selecting questions, supervision topics, and issues to be explained to link supervision activities with law-making activities, deciding on important national and local issues; Amending and supplementing regulations on the authority and responsibility of the National Assembly, National Assembly agencies, National Assembly deputies; of People's Councils, People's Council agencies, People's Council deputies and the authority and responsibility of other agencies, organizations and individuals related to supervision activities; Amending and supplementing regulations on methods, order, procedures, time and deadline for carrying out supervision activities; Amending and supplementing regulations related to ensuring the implementation of resolutions, conclusions, requests and recommendations after supervision; Amending and supplementing regulations on the use and exchange of relevant information in monitoring activities and other activities; applying information technology and digitalization in monitoring activities.
Regarding the dossier for drafting the Law, it has ensured that the correct procedures and processes are followed according to the provisions of the law; the drafting agency has organized to collect comments; has received, explained, and revised quite fully. However, in order to complete the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Supervision Activities of the National Assembly and People's Councils, delegate Nguyen Van Thuan proposed to comment on the Law project on the following contents, specifically:
In Article 3 (Principles of monitoring activities), we agree to choose option 2.
In Article 4 (Supervisory authority of the National Assembly), regarding the content of the regulation (at point c, clause 1): "The Ethnic Council exercises the right to supervise the implementation of ethnic policies, programs and plans for socio-economic development in mountainous areas and ethnic minority areas", it is proposed to amend it to: "The Ethnic Council and the Committees of the National Assembly exercise and coordinate the exercise of the right to supervise the implementation of policies and national target programs".
In Article 5 (Supervisory authority of the People's Council), agree with the opinion that it is necessary to supplement the content of the regulation on the supervisory authority of the People's Council where the urban government is organized. This content has been accepted by the drafting agency and supplemented in Article 5a (Supervision of the People's Council where the urban government is organized).
In Clause 5, Article 6 (Responsibilities of the supervisory entity), it is proposed to be amended to: “National Assembly deputies are responsible for and report on their supervisory activities to the National Assembly Delegation and to local voters through voter contact activities”. Similarly, in Clause 9, Article 6, it is proposed to be amended to: “People’s Council deputies are responsible for and report on their supervisory activities to the People’s Council Standing Committee and to local voters through voter contact activities”.
In Article 7 (Responsibilities of supervised agencies, organizations and individuals), the draft Law needs to study and supplement the provisions on the time and results of implementing the conclusions and recommendations of the supervising entity for the supervised agencies, organizations and individuals.
In Clause 1, Article 8 (Rights of agencies, organizations and individuals subject to supervision), it is proposed to study and supplement the deadline for receiving prior notice of the plan, content of supervision, content required to be reported and the deadline for submitting reports before conducting supervision activities of agencies, organizations and individuals subject to supervision.
In Chapter I (General Provisions), in addition to the provisions from Articles 1 to 10, it is necessary to study and supplement provisions related to the supervisory process of the National Assembly and People's Councils, the authority to issue resolutions or decisions to establish supervisory delegations and approve plans and supervision contents to make them more complete and easier to implement in practice.
In Article 15 (Questioning and consideration of answering questions at National Assembly sessions), Article 50 (Questioning by National Assembly deputies), Article 60 (Questioning and consideration of answering questions at People's Council sessions), Article 69 (Questioning and consideration of answering questions at the Standing Committee meeting of the People's Council between two People's Council sessions), Article 84 (Questioning by People's Council deputies)... it is proposed to amend the phrases "the person being questioned" to "the person being (or being) questioned".
Contents: Regarding the National Assembly's thematic supervision (Article 16) and the People's Council's thematic supervision (Article 62), it is recommended to study whether it is necessary to supplement the provisions related to the extraordinary supervision activities of the National Assembly and People's Councils or not?
In Article 18 (National Assembly vote of confidence) and Article 19 (National Assembly vote of confidence), it is necessary to specifically stipulate in the Law the relevant contents regarding the time limit and time of organizing the vote of confidence; the subjects of the vote of confidence and the vote of confidence; the level of confidence and the legal consequences of the vote of confidence and the vote of confidence.
In Clause 5, Article 30 (Supervision of the settlement of complaints and denunciations), it agrees with option 2 of the draft Law: "The Standing Committee of the National Assembly shall prescribe the agency responsible for advising and assisting the Standing Committee of the National Assembly in organizing and conducting activities to supervise the settlement of citizens' complaints and denunciations".
Regarding the supervision of the settlement of complaints and denunciations (Clause 20, Article 1 of the draft Law, amending and supplementing Article 30 of the Law on Supervisory Activities of the National Assembly and People's Councils), many opinions choose Option 1 of the draft Law, in the direction of adding a clause to Article 30 of the draft Law: "The Standing Committee of the National Assembly shall prescribe the agency responsible for advising and assisting the Standing Committee of the National Assembly in organizing and conducting activities to supervise the settlement of citizens' complaints and denunciations". The content stipulated in Option 1 will ensure flexibility in prescribing the agency advising and assisting the Standing Committee of the National Assembly in supervising the settlement of complaints and denunciations, in accordance with each content and case related to complaints and denunciations that the Standing Committee of the National Assembly organizes supervision.
In Clause 5, Article 31 (Supervision of the settlement of voters' petitions), Option 2 of the draft Law is approved: "The National Assembly Standing Committee shall prescribe the responsible agency to advise the National Assembly Standing Committee to organize and conduct activities to supervise the settlement of voters' petitions".
Spring Binh
Source: http://baoninhthuan.com.vn/news/150511p24c34/doan-dbqh-tinh-ninh-thuan-thao-luan-tai-to-ve-gop-y-du-an-luat-sua-doi-bo-sung-mot-so-dieu-cua-luat-hoat-dong-giam-sat-cua-quoc-hoi-va-hoi-dong-nhan-dan-2015.htm
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