In Trang Da commune, the monitoring team inspected environmental protection work at the commune health station and some domestic waste collection points in residential areas. The team found that people still use Paraquat herbicide, collect and put garbage in roadside containers, causing unsightliness; garbage collection points in the area do not meet technical requirements according to regulations; waste classification still faces many difficulties due to the lack of regulations and instructions from competent authorities on unit prices, equipment, vehicles, etc.
The inspection team conducted a field inspection at Tan Quang Cement Factory.
At Tan Quang Cement Joint Stock Company - VVMI, the Supervisory Team found that the company invested in environmental protection works such as a centralized wastewater treatment system, an electrostatic dust filter system, a bag dust filter system with a capacity of 247,600 m3 and 95,000 m3 , 46 fabric bag dust filters installed at production stages... After the Law on Environmental Protection 2020 took effect, the company invested in: 1 automatic and continuous emission monitoring system, 1 industrial waste collection warehouse, 1 two-compartment settling pond for rainwater treatment. Currently, the company seems to be having difficulty finding a unit to handle conventional industrial solid waste.
The monitoring team noted recommendations related to solid waste collection and transportation units to have appropriate waste classification and treatment plans to ensure that waste is classified at source; proposed to expand collection routes from the state budget to ensure environmental sanitation in the commune; and recommended the method of calculating environmental protection fees of Tan Quang Cement Joint Stock Company.
The monitoring team inspected the Tuynel Brick Factory in the commune.
The delegation requested local authorities and business units to strengthen close coordination with agencies, organizations and units to manage and implement environmental protection laws and policies in the area; proactively inspect and control environmental pollution in the area, especially for small-scale production and livestock establishments and households, promptly detect and handle violations; promote the role of community supervision in detecting violations.
The provincial National Assembly delegation supervises the environmental protection topic in Trang Da commune (Tuyen Quang city).
For Tan Quang Cement Joint Stock Company - VVMI, the Delegation proposed to continue to control waste sources well during the production process, increase the collection and treatment of waste gas, wastewater, solid waste, hazardous waste, industrial hygiene; regularly operate environmental protection works, ensure waste treatment meets current environmental standards. Conduct environmental monitoring according to regulations, proactively prevent and respond to environmental incidents; actively propagate and disseminate legal policies, raise awareness, roles and responsibilities of each cadre, worker and employee in environmental protection and sanitation; deploy a roadmap to apply the best available techniques for waste treatment measures in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Environmental Protection; have a plan to renovate and upgrade the waste gas treatment system to ensure compliance with standard 19:2024/BTNMT - National technical regulation on industrial emissions earlier than the deadline specified in the standard.
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