On August 30, in Seoul (South Korea), the training program under the Project to support the Academy of Journalism and Communication (Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics) to improve the capacity to implement government policies in 2024, sponsored by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), was completed and the closing ceremony was held.
The training program from August 18 to 30 is for 15 trainees who are officers and lecturers of the Academy of Journalism and Communication and a number of journalists working at press and publishing agencies in Vietnam.
During the 2-week program, students were introduced by leading professors and experts from Korea about the formation of public relations channels in the public sector in Korea, the development process of each channel; data journalism and Big Data Government. In addition, there is the work of managing national brand strategies, the advertising industry and public sector promotion, implementation plans and future efforts.
The Vietnamese delegation learned about the smart media industry; the structure, characteristics, and content of the smart media industry in Korea... Within the framework of the course, the delegation visited a number of journalism training centers, media agencies, and major content creation companies in Korea. The program helped trainees improve their capacity to develop action plans to solve a number of practical problems in policy communication in Vietnam.
At the end of the course, the trainees completed two action plans related to capacity building for local communication managers in Vietnam; improving digital transformation capacity for the current policy communication implementation team in Vietnam. The trainees were awarded a Certificate of Completion of the training program by KOICA.
Speaking at the closing ceremony, Associate Professor, Dr. Mai Duc Ngoc, Party Secretary, Chairman of the Council of the Academy of Journalism and Communication, Head of the working delegation, expressed his deep gratitude for the active and effective support of KOICA.
The training program achieved high results with many practical contents, suitable for the needs of Vietnam. Through lectures and field trips to some journalism training centers, media agencies, and large content creation companies in Korea, trainees can study and apply in professional work in Vietnam, as well as local press agencies.
“The project has contributed to improving the capacity of the Academy of Journalism and Communication’s staff and lecturers as well as Vietnamese journalists in policy communication, expanding the cooperation network with Korean partners and enhancing the position of the Academy,” Associate Professor, Dr. Mai Duc Ngoc expressed.
2024 is the year of the end of phase 2 of the project. Associate Professor, Dr. Mai Duc Ngoc hopes that the Academy of Journalism and Communication and KOICA will promote the development of cooperative relations; hoping that KOICA will continue to support the opening of more projects so that the Academy as well as Vietnamese press agencies can participate in training courses in the coming time.
Previously, within the framework of the training program, on the afternoon of August 29, a delegation of Vietnamese journalists led by Associate Professor, Dr. Mai Duc Ngoc, Chairman of the Academy Council, visited and worked with the Vietnamese Embassy in Korea.
Receiving the delegation, Counselor of the Vietnamese Embassy in Korea Le Anh Tuan informed that Vietnam and Korea are in the warmest development period ever, especially from 2022 when the two countries upgrade their relationship to Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.
South Korea considers Vietnam a leading potential market that actively contributes to economic development and promotes the values of the land of kimchi. In Vietnam, there are currently more than 10,000 Korean enterprises investing and doing business, while in South Korea, there are nearly 300,000 Vietnamese people living, studying and starting businesses.
Associate Professor, Dr. Mai Duc Ngoc thanked the representatives of the Vietnamese Embassy in Korea for their welcome. The head of the Vietnamese journalist delegation also informed the embassy representatives about the delegation's activities during the journalism training days in Korea.
At the same time, information on training and fostering journalism skills at the Academy of Journalism and Communication. Thereby, actively contributing to the country's high-quality human resources to meet the requirements of journalism innovation in the era of integration and development, and contributing to the country's socio-economic development in the new development stage.
Ngo Binh
Source: https://www.sggp.org.vn/doan-bao-chi-viet-nam-hoan-thanh-tap-huan-ve-thuc-thi-chinh-sach-tai-han-quoc-post756447.html
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