A wealthy man inherited two women's shoe factories from his family. Both factories produced excellent products in the market.
After a while, he noticed that the number of employees stealing shoes to give to their wives or girlfriends was increasing, and there was no way to catch all of them.
Finally, he thought of a way to make sure no more shoes would be stolen. Guess what it was?
I challenge you to find a way to avoid having your shoes stolen. (Illustration)
To think of a way to prevent any more shoes from being stolen, you will definitely have to have an extremely high level of thinking because not everyone will be able to think of it. Use the thinking of a company manager to come up with a solution to this problem.
Please scroll down to the comments section and write your answer on how to avoid having your shoes stolen.
Source: https://vtcnews.vn/do-ban-tim-ra-cach-de-cong-nhan-khong-tom-giay-cua-nha-may-ar879463.html
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