The first national scientific conference on theoretical and practical issues in the new era, the era of the Vietnamese nation's rise, was held in Hanoi on November 15, with the participation of many leading experts and scientists.
The national scientific conference with the theme “New era, the era of the Vietnamese nation’s rise - Theoretical and practical issues” was chaired by the Scientific Council of the Central Party Agencies, in coordination with the Editorial Board
of the Communist Magazine . The participation of many leaders of central departments, ministries, and branches, leading experts and scientists, and a large number of delegates from central party departments, agencies, research institutes, academies, and leading universities of the country showed the importance and significance of the Conference.
The national scientific conference "New era, the era of the Vietnamese nation's rise - Theoretical and practical issues" attracted the attention of many scientists and experts. (Photo: Vinh Ha) |
The workshop was chaired by comrades: Dr. Lai Xuan Mon, member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Head of the Central Propaganda Department, Chairman of the Scientific Council of Central Party Agencies; Associate Professor, Dr. Le Hai Binh, alternate member of the Party Central Committee, Editor-in-Chief
of Communist Magazine ; Associate Professor, Dr. Vu Van Phuc, Vice Chairman of the Scientific Council of Central Party Agencies, former Editor-in-Chief
of Communist Magazine .
Create high unity of perception and action
The workshop took place after General Secretary To Lam, in his recent important articles and speeches, mentioned the issue of a new era, the era of the Vietnamese people's rise. The head of the Communist Party of Vietnam affirmed that the era of rise implies creating a strong, decisive, resolute, positive, effortful, internal, and confident movement to overcome challenges, surpass oneself, realize aspirations, reach goals, and achieve great achievements. The new era - the era of rise of the Vietnamese people is a period of development and prosperity under the leadership and rule of the Communist Party, successfully building a socialist Vietnam, a rich people, a strong country, a democratic, fair, civilized society, on par with the world powers. According to the General Secretary, the new era begins at
the 14th National Party Congress . From now on, all Vietnamese people, hundreds of millions of people as one, under the leadership of the Party, will unite, join forces, make the most of opportunities and advantages, push back risks and challenges, and bring the country to comprehensive and strong development, breakthroughs and take off. The ideology of the head of the Communist Party of Vietnam was unanimously affirmed by the 10th Conference of the 13th Party Central Committee: This is a new policy and orientation, with strategic vision for national development, of great political significance, which needs to be included in the 14th National Party Congress Documents, thoroughly understood by the entire Party, the entire people, and the entire army, and implemented with high political determination. Due to its "newness" in both theory and practice, this issue needs to be thoroughly studied and interpreted to create a high level of unity in perception and action within our entire Party, people, and army. In his opening speech at the Workshop “New Era, the Era of Rising of the Vietnamese People - Theoretical and Practical Issues”, Dr. Lai Xuan Mon emphasized the significance of “the first workshop to discuss this important issue, laying the foundation for us to continue to delve into research, discuss and clarify, deeply and fully the theoretical and practical issues of the new era - the era of rising of the Vietnamese people”. More than 50 presentations by experts and scientists sent to the Organizing Committee, 12 opinions expressed and exchanged at the Workshop, all of which demonstrated enthusiasm, sense of responsibility and high scientific quality. The delegates agreed and clarified the viewpoints, contents and tasks, solutions to bring the country into a new era; affirming that the strategic orientations of General Secretary To Lam were formed on solid scientific foundations, with high persuasiveness and leadership.
Inevitable development
The workshop highly agreed with the view that entering a new era is an inevitable development step, in accordance with the laws of motion of the Vietnamese revolution and the development trend of the times.
Dr. Lai Xuan Mon, Deputy Head of the Central Propaganda Department, Chairman of the Scientific Council of Central Party Agencies, spoke at the Workshop. (Photo: Phuong Hoa) |
As Dr. Lai Xuan Mon concluded, after nearly 95 years of carrying out the cause of liberation and national construction, our people, under the leadership of the Party, have created miraculous breakthroughs and glorious eras: the era of national independence and building socialism (1930-1975); the era of national unification and innovation (1975-2025) and now, we are entering the third era - the era of the Vietnamese people's rise, starting with the important event, the 14th National Congress of the Party. Three eras have been and will be created, which is the lawful continuation of the Vietnamese revolution under the leadership of the Party; the previous era creates the premise for the next era; the next era inherits and develops the achievements of the previous era, making national independence and socialism increasingly blend and develop continuously. The starting point of the new era is the 14th National Party Congress - with the convergence of all factors of favorable time, favorable place, and favorable people, creating opportunities for the entire Party, the entire people, and the entire army to join hands, make the most of opportunities and advantages, push back risks and challenges, and bring the country to comprehensive and strong development, breakthrough and take off, rise up, and rise quickly. The top priority in the new era is to strongly arouse national spirit, patriotism, self-reliance, self-confidence, self-reliance, national pride, and the aspiration to develop the country; closely combine national strength with the strength of the times to successfully implement strategic goals by 2030, Vietnam will become a developing country with modern industry and high average income; by 2045, it will become a developed socialist country with high income.
“Vietnam entering an era of breakthrough development, starting from the 14th National Congress, is in line with the objective laws of the Vietnamese revolution and the trend of the times.” (Dr. Lai Xuan Mon, Deputy Head of the Central Propaganda Department, Chairman of the Scientific Council of Central Party Agencies) |
Comprehensive and synchronous implementation of solutions
Opinions at the Workshop mentioned the need to comprehensively and synchronously deploy solutions to create breakthrough developments in all fields, emphasizing a number of key issues: Continuing to strongly innovate the Party's leadership and governance methods; strengthening the Party's character in building and perfecting the Socialist Republic of Vietnam's rule-of-law State of the People, by the People, for the People; streamlining the organization and apparatus for effective and efficient operation; cadres and cadre work; economic development and digital transformation revolution; combating waste...
Delegates highly agreed with the view that entering a new era is consistent with the laws of motion of the Vietnamese revolution and the development trend of the times. (Photo: |
, regarding the continued strong innovation of the Party's leadership and governance methods , entering a new era, the requirement of strong innovation of leadership methods, improving leadership capacity, governance capacity, ensuring that the Party is the great helmsman, leading our nation to breakthrough and accelerate is urgent, it is necessary to implement a number of strategic solutions that General Secretary To Lam has directed: unifying awareness, strictly implementing the Party's leadership and governance methods, not making excuses, replacing or loosening the Party's leadership.
Regarding strengthening the Party's character in building and perfecting the Vietnamese socialist rule-of-law state of the people, by the people, for the people , the opinions in the discussion highly agree with the assessment of General Secretary To Lam: Of the three biggest bottlenecks today, which are institutions, infrastructure and human resources, institutions are the "bottleneck of bottlenecks" that must be focused on solving.
Regarding the streamlining of the apparatus for effective and efficient operation , the opinions in the discussion agreed with the direction of General Secretary To Lam on streamlining the apparatus of the political system, ensuring synchronization, connection, smoothness, and effective and efficient operation. Breakthrough in thinking; strongly innovating the Party's leadership and governing methods must be closely linked and promoted effectively through innovation and streamlining the apparatus.
Regarding cadres and cadre work, the Workshop highly agreed with the viewpoint: cadres and cadre work are "very important" issues, "deciding everything", "cadres are the root of all work", and are the decisive factor for the success or failure of the revolution. Accordingly, it is necessary to synchronously and drastically deploy solutions, creating fundamental changes in building the cadre team in the new period. Strongly innovate the work of recruiting, training, promoting, appointing, rotating, transferring, and evaluating cadres in a substantive direction, for the sake of finding people. Building a mechanism to encourage and protect cadres with innovative thinking, who dare to think, dare to do, dare to break through, dare to take responsibility, dare to face difficulties and challenges, for the common good...
Regarding economic development and digital transformation revolution, the Workshop paid special attention to solutions to create breakthrough economic development, considering this a key task of the cause of creating a new era. Opinions all emphasized the need for strong and drastic breakthroughs in development institutions; removing bottlenecks and barriers, taking people and businesses as the center, mobilizing and clearing all internal and external resources, resources within the people, developing science and technology synchronously and smoothly, all for the sake of improving the material and spiritual life of the people. Prioritizing synchronous and breakthrough development in building economic and social infrastructure. Focusing on developing digital production forces associated with perfecting digital production relations; Promote strategic technology, take science - technology, innovation as the main driving force for rapid and sustainable development; promote the digital transformation revolution, considering this the key, the lever to bring the country to remarkable development in the new era. *** The national scientific conference "New era, the era of the Vietnamese people's rise" is an important event, opening up many perspectives and orientations for the country's development in the global context. The contents of the exchange and discussion at the conference contribute to theoretical work as well as aim at practical goals, making Vietnam a prosperous and happy country, meeting the requirements of the new era.
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