On December 6, in Hanoi, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan chaired the ISG 2024 Plenary Conference with the theme: "Orientation to prioritize the use of ODA capital and preferential loans for the Agriculture and Rural Development sector in the period 2026-2030".
Attending the conference at Dak Lak bridge point were Deputy Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Mai Trong Dung and representatives of relevant departments and branches.
Conference scene at the Central bridge (Screenshot).
The ISG 2024 Plenary Conference is an annual high-level event held between the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and foreign partners to exchange and share policy orientations and priorities of both sides to promote cooperation and enhance resource coordination, contributing to promoting the development of Vietnamese agriculture.
The report at the conference said that in the 2016-2020 period, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development approved and signed 5 loan programs and projects with a total value of 826 million USD, including 662 million USD of loans allocated to various sectors. In the 2021-2025 period, the total expected loan capital for new projects under preparation is about 2 billion USD, non-refundable capital is about 58 million USD, and counterpart capital is about 478 million USD. Of which, 5 projects have been approved by competent authorities with a total loan capital of about 750 million USD.
Delegates attending the conference at Dak Lak bridge point.
Regarding non-refundable aid, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development currently has 112 projects under implementation (approved from 2016 to present) with a total non-refundable capital of about 300 million USD. The Ministry is currently in the process of approving 32 more projects with an aid capital of about 9 million USD. The partners providing non-refundable capital are very diverse, in which key partners include Germany, the Netherlands, Japan, Korea, the UK, the US, New Zealand, Canada, Australia, Ireland, Belgium, France, United Nations agencies, GEF, GCF, non-governmental organizations, etc.
The proportion of ODA capital in the total development investment capital of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has reached nearly 50% at times. Most of the ODA loans in recent times have been used for investment projects in infrastructure development, supporting production promotion, poverty reduction, livelihood improvement, climate change response, natural disaster prevention, etc.; supporting the development and improvement of policy institutions, and capacity building for the sector from central to local levels.
Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan speaks at the conference (Screenshot).
Speaking at the conference, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan said that Vietnam has now become a middle-income country and no longer enjoys low interest rates, the number of projects and the value of ODA capital and preferential loans for the agricultural sector have decreased significantly, along with a decrease in technical assistance and non-refundable capital. For the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, since 2019, no new projects have been negotiated or signed.
With the goal of building a modern, high-quality, sustainable, and highly competitive agricultural production sector while protecting the environment, adapting to climate change, and reducing emissions, the need for cooperation with international partners is very large and diverse, not only in terms of capital but also in need of technical support, capacity building, and knowledge for investment and development in the coming period.
In order to continue mobilizing and promoting the advantages of international knowledge, experience, initiatives and resources to support the Agriculture and Rural Development sector in achieving the set goals, at the conference, delegates focused on analyzing and discussing the results achieved in using preferential loans to implement programs and projects in the area. At the same time, proposals and directions for prioritizing the use of ODA capital and preferential loans for the Agriculture and Rural Development sector in the period 2026-2030 were raised.
Source: https://daklak.gov.vn/-/-inh-huong-uu-tien-su-dung-nguon-von-oda-va-von-vay-uu-ai-cho-nganh-nong-nghiep-va-phat-trien-nong-thon
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