In Resolution 09/NQ-CP of the Government Conference with localities and the regular Government meeting in December 2024, the Government requested the Ministry of Industry and Trade to study and amend according to its authority or propose competent authorities to amend legal documents on e-commerce to identify sellers on e-commerce platforms through VneID.
The Government also requested the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to preside over and coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Justice, and relevant agencies to study synchronous solutions to connect administrative procedure settlement systems and systems managed by Vietnamese representative agencies abroad with the National Population Database to share and exploit data of Vietnamese people abroad, serving the issuance of identification numbers and identity cards; connecting with the National Immigration Database to serve the issuance of passports to Vietnamese people abroad.
The Government Cipher Committee coordinates with the Ministry of Education and Training to provide digital certificates to meet the requirements of educational and training institutions as prescribed.
The Government Office shall preside over and coordinate with ministries and agencies to develop professional and functional documents of the National Public Service Portal and send them to the Ministry of Public Security to develop the National Public Service Portal at the National Data Center according to the direction of the Prime Minister in Official Dispatch No. 8871/VPCP-KSTT dated December 2, 2024.
At the same time, develop requirements, features, and functions of the Government reporting information system, the Government and Prime Minister's command and control information system, and send them to the Ministry of Public Security for investment, construction, and system administration, technical operation, and ensuring safety and information security of systems at the National Data Center according to the direction of the Prime Minister in Decision No. 1012/QD-TTg dated September 20, 2024 and Directive No. 32/CT-TTg dated September 4, 2024.
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