On the morning of January 20, Mr. Thai Thuong Hai, Head of the Forest Protection Department of Chu Se District (Gia Lai) informed that the unit had just coordinated with the authorities of HBong commune to inspect and discover the encroachment of protective forests to grow sugarcane in sub-area 1065, a forest area managed by this locality.
According to Mr. Hai, during the inspection, the authorities discovered that at lot 30, section 1 (sub-area 1065), 2.56 hectares of source protection forest (natural deciduous forest recovery state) had been cut down.
At the scene, the authorities discovered that at lot 30, section 1 (sub-area 1065), 2.56 hectares of source protection forest (natural deciduous forest state) had been cut down.
Next, at lot 7, compartment 2 (sub-compartment 1065), there are 2 locations with a total area of 2.98 hectares of upstream protection forest (natural deciduous forest state) that were also cut down and plowed.
At the time of inspection, all three locations had been plowed and sugarcane planted over the entire area, with grass, shrubs and regenerating trees surrounding the plowed area. However, the authorities have not yet determined the time of deforestation or the violators.
"The working group has drawn up a record and assigned it to the People's Committee of HBong commune to direct the Forest Rangers of HBong commune and the forces of HBong commune to supervise and maintain the current status, strictly prohibiting any impact on the scene during the investigation and verification period," informed the Head of the Forest Rangers of Chu Se district.
According to the Chu Se District Forest Protection Department, after discovering the incident, the unit coordinated with the District Police Investigation Agency, the District People's Procuracy and the People's Committee of Hbong Commune to conduct a crime scene investigation, and at the same time consolidate and complete the case file to initiate prosecution.
Mr. Pham Huu Vien, Chairman of the People's Committee of HBong Commune, said that during the verification process, a local resident claimed to have planted the above mentioned area of sugarcane. However, the police are currently investigating so their identity cannot be provided.
It is known that in September 2021, also in this sub-area 1065, 34.6 hectares of protective forest were cut down, plowed and leveled to plant eucalyptus. A while later, when the eucalyptus trees were about 25-30cm high, the forest owner and the authorities discovered it.
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