GĐXH - A woman went to the bank to deposit 34 billion VND but only had 200,000 VND left after 3 months. Strangely, the bank did not accept responsibility but also did not give any reasonable explanation.
Bank refuses responsibility for 34 billion VND savings book remaining 200,000 VND after 3 months
Ms. Song from Shijiang, China is a business owner. After many years of business, this woman saved 10 million yuan (about 34 billion VND). With the price of gold and land rising, she decided to save this money.
That day, the woman arrived at the bank early and personally transferred 10 million yuan into her savings account. At that time, she planned to deposit the money within 1 year to get the best interest rate. However, about 3 months later, she received a cooperation offer and decided to take the money to invest in the company.
As soon as she completed the transfer procedure for her partner, Ms. Song completed the online payment of her 10 million yuan savings. However, what she did not expect was that the money disappeared without a trace. Her bank account reported that her 10 million yuan savings now had only 60 yuan (more than 200,000 VND).
At that moment, Ms. Song imagined many possibilities that could happen. But this woman quickly dismissed them. Because she always carried her bank card with her. She also opened the message notification of changes in her bank account balance on her phone to check but did not receive any message about the money being deducted.
The more she thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong, so she immediately contacted the bank staff. She thought her questions would be answered, but the bank's response made this woman feel indignant.
The woman said the bank's attitude towards the incident was very vague. Ms. Song did not receive any reasonable explanation about the incident. The representative even said that the fault was not the bank's.
Unable to let the 10 million yuan disappear in such a mysterious way, the woman decided to report the incident to the local police. After understanding the woman's request, the authorities immediately took action.
Police Verdict Investigation
After more than a week of investigation, the police quickly found the mastermind of the incident. Going back in time to April 2020, Ms. Song went to the bank to deposit 10 million yuan. Because this was a large amount of money, the person who directly processed the procedure for her was the branch director. With a professional service attitude, she quickly completed the deposit procedure.
However, taking advantage of her position, this subject forged the necessary information to carry out the procedures to authorize Ms. Song to transfer money to an investment fund. When asked to make the transfer order, the subordinate staff also expressed doubts because the transaction amount was too large. However, this woman had prepared a scenario.
The subject said that the client was overseas and could not be present. The staff could divide the money into small amounts and transfer it to the investment fund in batches. In the end, to be able to transfer the entire amount of 10 million yuan, this person had to make 80 transfers.
To prevent Ms. Song from discovering that her savings had been transferred, the subject contacted several related departments to block transaction notification messages.
In fact, this is not the first time this subject has violated the law. Ms. Song is also not the first victim. This ring, headed by a bank director, has committed crimes in this way many times and collected hundreds of millions of yuan.
After the incident was exposed, Ms. Song was returned the money along with corresponding interest. All violators of the law will be dealt with according to the regulations.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/ngan-hang-tu-choi-trach-nhiem-vu-gui-tiet-kiem-34-ty-dong-con-200000-dong-sau-3-thang-dieu-tra-phat-hien-thu-pham-khong-ngo-172250126101437742.htm
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