(Dan Tri) - From 2025, the high school graduation exam will have a policy of exempting the literature exam in addition to the foreign language exam.
The new regulations on high school graduation exams from 2025 include additional content on exemption from the literature exam in considering graduation recognition.
Accordingly, this policy only applies to foreigners with a Vietnamese language certificate according to the Vietnamese Language Proficiency Framework for Foreigners at level 3 or higher.
For those who are eligible for exemption from the literature exam but still want to take the literature exam in the graduation exam, they must use the literature exam results to calculate the high school graduation score.
Candidates taking the high school graduation exam in Hanoi in 2024 (Photo: Manh Quan).
Also according to the new regulations, the regulations on exemption from foreign language exams have also changed compared to before. Accordingly, candidates exempted from foreign language exams will not be converted to 10 points. The formula for calculating graduation scores for those candidates will not include foreign language points.
The subjects exempted from the basic foreign language exam remain the same, including: members of the national team participating in the International Foreign Language Olympics, and people with one of the required foreign language certificates.
Those who are eligible for exemption from the foreign language exam but still want to take this subject in the graduation exam must use that exam result to calculate the graduation score.
Source: https://dantri.com.vn/giao-duc/dieu-kien-mien-thi-mon-ngu-van-tot-nghiep-thpt-tu-nam-2025-20241225002605534.htm
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