According to Circular 22/2023/TT-BYT, the price of health insurance examination and treatment services includes: price of medical examination and consultation services; price of hospital bed days; price of technical and testing services. In which, the price of health insurance examination services at special-class and class 1 hospitals is 42,100 VND/visit; class 2 hospitals is 37,500 VND; class 3 hospitals is 33,200 VND, class 4 hospitals and the price of examination at commune health stations has a payment level of 30,100 VND.
Health insurance service prices increase
During the same visit to the same medical examination facility (possibly on the same day or due to objective conditions or professional requirements, the examination process cannot be completed during the day and must continue the examination on the following day), if the patient needs to see another specialist after visiting one specialist, from the second visit, only 30% of the price of one medical examination will be charged and the maximum payment for the medical examination cost of that person will not exceed 2 times the price of one medical examination.
Medical examination and treatment facilities must coordinate and arrange human resources and the number of examination tables as required to ensure the quality of medical examination. For examination tables with more than 65 examinations/day, the social insurance agency (Health Insurance Fund) will only pay 50% of the examination fee from the 66th examination onwards of that examination table.
The price of health examination and treatment services under health insurance stipulated in Circular 22/2023/TT-BYT is based on direct costs and salaries to ensure medical examination and treatment, including direct costs included in the price of medical examination services (clothes, hats, masks, gloves, cotton, bandages, alcohol, gauze, saline solution and consumables); costs of electricity, water and fuel. In particular, costs of medicines, medical equipment, syringes and needles are paid according to actual use for patients.
Explaining the "limit" of each doctor/examination desk not being allowed to see more than 65 patients/day, a hospital leader said that this regulation applies to 8 working hours. If doctors leave early and leave late, they will still see more patients to serve the needs of patients coming for examination and treatment, and it does not mean that the 66th patient has to wait until the next day.
The price of health insurance services has increased compared to before November 17 due to the adjustment to the basic salary. Previously, from July 1, the basic salary increased from 1.49 to 1.8 million VND/month.
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