GĐXH - To lose weight, Từ Hy Viên once skipped dinner completely and only ate 2 slices of meat at noon, causing her body to not have enough energy to maintain activities, leading to weakness and serious health problems.
Barbie Hsu forced herself into an extremely strict weight loss process.
In recent days, the sudden passing of actress Barbie Hsu has left the public shocked and saddened. In addition to her brilliant career and beautiful appearance, her personal life has also received special attention. One of the stories that has been repeated many times is the actress's rigorous weight loss journey after giving birth.
Barbie Hsu once revealed that she had gained weight uncontrollably during pregnancy, reaching 80kg. This made her extremely self-conscious, even falling into a state of depression because of her overweight body and completely disfigured face.
However, Barbie Hsu forced herself into an extremely strict weight loss regimen to lose 24 pounds. The most notable thing was that she skipped dinner and only ate 2 slices of meat at noon. This meant that her body did not have enough energy to maintain its activities, which could easily lead to weakness and serious health problems.
There was a time when Barbie Hsu weighed only 35kg despite being 1m62 tall. This was an alarming figure, showing that the actress had lost too much weight, which could seriously affect her overall health.
How dangerous is losing weight the wrong way to your health?
The concern of many young mothers is how to lose weight after giving birth to quickly regain their ideal figure like when they were young. Many people choose to fast and reduce their food intake to lose weight. However, the fasting time is not the same for each person. If fasting for only a few days for a person with normal health and does not cause dehydration, it rarely affects the body.
However, fasting continuously, fasting completely for a long time will cause many consequences. When the body is malnourished for a long time, the body will produce a series of life-threatening diseases.
Causes nutritional deficiencies
When you try to lose weight quickly, you tend to skip meals, which leads to nutritional deficiencies. When you eat irregularly, your body will lack certain vitamins and minerals, which leads to other health problems.
When you follow a diet and exercise regimen to lose weight quickly this can cause dehydration, which can lead to headaches, fatigue and constipation.
Causes electrolyte imbalance
When you lose weight quickly, your body has not had time to adapt to the rapid changes, which leads to internal stress and electrolyte imbalance. This is a risk factor for heart disease.
Leads to muscle loss
When you lose weight quickly it doesn't mean you're losing fat, it could mean you're losing muscle and water. Losing muscle is not good for your body, you should focus on losing fat instead.
Sudden weight loss also leads to easy weight gain, even higher risk of weight gain. The desire to lose weight brings many health benefits, however, we should set long-term goals, keep a comfortable spirit, eat a balanced diet combined with exercise to have good health.
"Principles" for safe weight loss
When the body gains weight, fat accumulates under the skin of the abdomen, chin, thighs, and neck due to excessive calories consumed but not burned off. More dangerously, in some people, fat accumulates in the organs, causing hyperlipidemia, fatty liver, kidney, pancreas, etc., causing these organs to gradually lose function.
According to medical experts, the best way to lose weight is to control the amount of food you eat, forcing your body to take calories from its reserves, which are excess fat. Accordingly, eat enough nutrients but eat less, divide into many small meals to reduce the total number of calories consumed; reduce fatty, greasy, sweet foods and increase vegetables, fruits, soy milk... combined with increased exercise, at least 1 hour of walking per day.
Basically, to lose weight safely and sustainably, you need to be persistent and take time. The maximum loss is 1-3 kg/month, so that the body can adapt slowly. To avoid gaining weight again, you need to form eating and exercise habits as you did during the weight loss process.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/dien-vien-tu-hy-vien-ep-can-khac-nghiet-de-giam-can-sau-sinh-chuyen-gia-chi-ro-sai-lam-chi-em-viet-mac-phai-172250205111758976.htm
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