On May 16, at the headquarters of Xuan Tang Ward People's Committee, the Steering Committee and the Organizing Committee of the Lao Cai City Exercise organized a combat exercise in Xuan Tang Ward in the defense area (KVPT) in 2024.

Attending the drill were comrade Do Truong Son, member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Secretary of the City Party Committee; comrades members of the City Party Standing Committee, Standing members of the City People's Council, City People's Committee, representatives of the Steering Committee, Organizing Committee of the City's KVPT drill; comrades Party secretaries, Chairmen of the People's Committees, Steering Committees of the KVPT drill of communes and wards in the city.

During the exercise, the Party Committee, government, departments, branches and organizations of Xuan Tang ward have well implemented the leadership and direction mechanism to change the combat readiness status, move the locality into defense status; organize preparations and practice defensive operations.

The live-fire situation of handling the situation of recapturing the target was due to good preparation of forces, means, and equipment; mobilization and close coordination between participating forces, so the content of the exercise was serious, close to the assumption, demonstrating the plan and solving the situation reasonably...

Closing the drill, the Steering Committee for the Lao Cai City Military Training Exercise awarded Certificates of Merit to collectives and individuals with outstanding achievements in the 2024 Military Training Exercise.
Xuan Tang Ward is the locality that organized the combat exercise in the 2024 key area of Lao Cai city. The success of the exercise is the basis for communes and wards in the area to apply in the training and rehearsal process as well as to resolve and handle well when situations occur in the area.
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