The driving force behind innovation
Happy and excited that the Law on the Capital (amended) was passed by the National Assembly with a high rate of support, Associate Professor, Dr. Bui Thi An - President of the Hanoi Women Intellectuals Association, assessed that the official approval of the Law on the Capital (amended) is really good news for the people of the Capital in particular and the whole country in general. Because this Law project has many opening points, which are important breakthroughs for the development of Hanoi, as well as the overall development of the whole country. In which, the bright spot is the controlled testing mechanism.
Accordingly, the Hanoi People's Committee allows controlled testing in the form of limited-term licensing for technologies, products, services, and business models that are not yet regulated or permitted by law; or limited-term licensing and exemption from certain legal provisions within the limited scope of testing for technologies, products, services, and business models that are regulated by law, but are not specific enough, or are no longer suitable within the limited scope determined in accordance with the assessment of the risk level and control capacity of the Hanoi People's Committee.
Associate Professor, Dr. Bui Thi An said that allowing controlled testing is an extremely important policy. Because, in reality, innovation always comes with risks. In scientific research, the line between success and failure is very fragile. Therefore, many individuals, organizations, scientists... do not really have the motivation to engage in testing and researching new products and solutions. Invisibly, safety has eliminated creativity in society. If society does not allow testing, there can be no new, breakthrough things. Therefore, if we accept creativity and innovation, we must accept risks, then scientists will be bold enough to take action.
“The Capital Law has been passed, removing bottlenecks in scientific research, allowing experiments under the supervision of state agencies. The law has created motivation and support for scientists, so that scientists can devote themselves to research, stimulating creativity. This will be a big step forward for the Capital to have conditions for breakthrough development and growth” - Associate Professor, Dr. Bui Thi An assessed.
Promote the role of the leader
According to the provisions of the Law, the conditions for granting a controlled trial license include innovative technologies, products, services or business models with scope of application and implementation in Hanoi, with priority given to technologies, products, services and business models implemented within the scope of high-tech zones, high-tech agricultural zones and innovation centers of the city. Technologies, products, services or business models have the potential to bring high value and efficiency in socio-economics, with priority given to high-tech fields, key science and technology fields of the city; not infringing upon national security, order, safety and social interests.
The organization or enterprise proposing the testing must have a testing plan, including an assessment of the benefits and risks to the testing participants, users, other relevant parties, to national security, social order and safety, and market competitiveness; a commitment to responsibility for the safety of users and relevant parties; risk control measures; a mechanism for resolving user complaints; the scope and measures for compensation for damages; and at the same time provide information and documents proving the capacity to comply with the proposed testing plan;
Licensing and conducting controlled testing must comply with the principles of equality between organizations and enterprises in participating and exercising rights and obligations during the testing process. Ensure publicity and transparency during the testing process; users must be fully informed about the testing status, possible risks and compensation measures, if any; have a mechanism to receive, evaluate and promptly and publicly handle feedback from testing organizations, enterprises and users during the testing process. Ensure requirements on national defense, security, order, social safety, user rights and social interests during the testing process.
In particular, testing organizations and enterprises are exempted from legal liability when they have fully implemented the provisions of the controlled testing regulations and instructions of State agencies, except in cases where during the testing process they knew or were required to know about the risks but did not promptly inform and report to the competent State agencies and did not take appropriate measures to prevent and limit the extent of possible damage.
For the control task, it is necessary to divide it into stages. From the orientation stage, choosing the topic, to the preparation of human resources and materials. During the testing process, it is possible to adjust it to the right trajectory - Associate Professor, Dr. Bui Thi An commented.
However, Associate Professor Dr. Bui Thi An said that for this mechanism to be most effective for society, there needs to be close supervision by the management agency. If we experiment massively and loosen supervision, it will lead to waste of budget. And the decisive factor for success depends largely on the head of the agency or organization that guides. There must be someone who guides correctly for the experiment to be successful. If the direction is wrong, the wrong experiment will be chosen.
Based on the general direction and orientation of the country, the head of the agency or organization needs to base on the actual requirements of his or her unit to choose appropriate research and testing products. Screen topics carefully before testing, minimizing risks. Research topics follow world trends, but must be suitable for Vietnamese reality, because science has both theory and high practicality.
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