Site clearance is an important step in the implementation of works and projects. However, site clearance is also identified as a difficult and complicated task due to its direct impact on the interests of people and organizations. In order for site clearance to be effective and ensure timely handover of the site to the construction unit, it is necessary to synchronously deploy solutions, in which propaganda and mobilization play a leading role, always carried out first with the participation of the entire political system. In recent times, the Party Committee and authorities at all levels of Cam Khe district have always paid attention to leading and directing the work of propaganda and mobilization for site clearance to be carried out seriously, thereby creating high consensus among the people.
Residents of Son Ha area, Cam Khe town cooperate with construction units to dismantle works and architectural objects to hand over the site for project implementation.
In 2024, Cam Khe district will carry out many key projects and works that require land acquisition. In particular, the Project to repair, supplement the drainage system and reinforce the sidewalk from km 43+200 - km 44+500 from Cam Khe town to IC10 intersection of Noi Bai - Lao Cai expressway (hereinafter referred to as the Project) has a total investment of 56 billion VND with items: Sidewalk, road, drainage ditch, lighting system from Dao Ngoc intersection to IC10 intersection of Noi Bai - Lao Cai expressway is assessed as complicated because although the area to be acquired is not large, it directly affects over 200 households; According to the construction design, the scope of land acquisition in some cases affects the main house, the block, the business store... With the drastic participation of the entire political system and the motto of "persistence and persistence" in propaganda and mobilization of the people, the district has handed over the site to construct the project on schedule.
In fact, when implementing land acquisition and clearance to facilitate and effectively gain the people's consensus, it is necessary to first disseminate and widely propagate information on land acquisition for project implementation so that people know; at the same time, during the implementation process, it is necessary to ensure compliance with regulations, transparency, democracy, objectivity, and protection of the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and organizations whose land is acquired.
Comrade Nguyen Anh Tuan - Director of the Land Fund Development Center of Cam Khe district said: When implementing the Project, besides the consensus and support of the people, there are still some households whose land is recovered who have not agreed and have not implemented the land recovery decision of the competent authority. The basic reason for the lack of consensus is the lack of agreement on the level of compensation and support; some people still do not clearly understand that land recovery for land acquisition and compensation is to implement the policy of the Party and the State to meet the requirements of general development and ensure the improvement of the quality of life. In order for the compensation and compensation work to be tight and highly effective, the district has sent staff to propagate and explain specifically and clearly the concerns that the people do not understand; at the same time, they have pointed out the benefits that the project brings. Along with that, the district also organizes dialogues with households and individuals about the compensation plan in each phase to listen to the thoughts, aspirations and legitimate recommendations of the people. The arising problems and recommendations during the implementation process have been seriously received, studied and proposed by the GPMB department to ensure reasonable adjustment plans to ensure the rights of the people.
The effective implementation of the propaganda solution has helped raise awareness and create consensus among the people when implementing the Project. Ms. Nguyen Thi Vien, Son Ha area, Cam Khe town shared: "When we heard about the project, we were still concerned because the area of land recovered directly affected the lives and livelihoods of many households. Some houses had the recovered area cut through the yard, fence or divided into two shops, restaurants, etc. After being explained and analyzed the benefits that the project would bring after completion, which would ensure traffic safety, create a spacious and modern neighborhood landscape, and open up many opportunities for socio-economic development, we, the people, agreed to accept the land acquisition plan, coordinate with local authorities and related construction units to dismantle works and architectural structures to hand over the site."
Promoting important results in propaganda and mobilization work for land acquisition and clearance to implement the Project of repairing, supplementing the drainage system and reinforcing the shoulder from km 43+200 - km 44+500 from Cam Khe town to the IC10 intersection of Noi Bai - Lao Cai expressway, in the coming time, Cam Khe will continue to closely coordinate between specialized agencies and investors, sharing difficulties and responsibilities; at the same time, promoting propaganda, mobilization, organizing dialogues with people whose land is recovered to disseminate legal regulations, persuading people to comply. Proposing solutions to handle and promptly remove difficulties to speed up the progress of land acquisition and clearance of projects, completing assigned political tasks, creating momentum for socio-economic development.
Le Oanh
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