Identifying strengthening leadership and direction of policy credit activities as one of the key tasks of the locality to reduce poverty, create jobs, ensure social security, and develop sustainable socio-economic development, the Party Committee of Huong Non commune, Tam Nong district has issued a specialized resolution, assigning the government, the Fatherland Front and departments, unions, and party cells to organize learning, dissemination, propaganda, and mobilization of cadres, party members, and people to implement.
Policy credit capital has helped families in Huong Non change their crop and livestock structure, increasing their income.
The coordination between the Party Committee, the government, the socio-political organizations entrusted with the District Social Policy Bank (CSXH) is tight and effective; the management of CSXH credit capital is regularly inspected and monitored. Thereby, promptly grasping the situation of capital management and use, handling proposals and recommendations quickly and thoroughly, ensuring the right beneficiaries according to regulations. Up to now, the commune is implementing 8 credit programs for poor households and other policy subjects with a total outstanding debt of more than 26.5 billion VND for 614 households in 16 savings and loan groups (TT&VV).
According to the assessment of the leaders of the district Social Policy Bank, the entrusted associations: Women's Union, Veterans, Farmers..., the credit and credit groups have been proactive in handling overdue debts, doing a good job of checking before, during and after lending. Borrowing households have used capital to invest in production and business effectively, increasing income, creating jobs, eliminating poverty, and creating more capital for commodity production. Households have made a commitment to credit services, proactively borrowing capital, and repaying capital according to the agreement. In recent years, the commune has not allowed the situation of borrowing from households, borrowing from others, or embezzling capital.
The work of mobilizing and propagating borrowers to participate in regular savings deposits through the TT&VV group has been effectively implemented. The current savings balance has reached 829 million VND, 100% of the TT&VV groups in the commune are classified as good, mobilizing savings deposits through the TT&VV group has created awareness among the poor about saving to create capital. Since mobilizing savings deposits through the TT&VV group, many borrowers have proactively deposited savings to transfer to pay principal and interest to the bank, thereby reducing difficulties when the principal and interest repayment deadline comes.
Notably, policy credit capital has been linked to the local economic development plan, poverty reduction plan and implementation of the New Rural Development Program (NTM). Thereby, it has created a spillover effect, attracting households to borrow capital to participate in converting crop and livestock structures, gradually getting used to commodity production, improving their lives, limiting risks, helping poor households improve their income, and striving to become rich legitimately. In the past 10 years (2014 - 2024), policy credit capital has helped over 1,300 poor, near-poor, newly escaped-poverty households and policy beneficiaries in Huong Non to borrow capital to develop production and stabilize their lives; 558 disadvantaged students in the commune have borrowed capital to go to school and buy computers for online learning.
Policy credit capital has also contributed to creating jobs for 52 workers; building new and renovating and repairing 24 houses for poor households, 12 households borrowing social housing according to Decree No. 100/2024/ND-CP, dated July 26, 2024 of the Government detailing a number of articles of the Housing Law on the development and management of social housing . Along with financial resources invested locally, social credit capital and entrusted lending activities of socio-political organizations have made an important contribution to promoting the socio-economic development of Huong Non. The poverty rate of the commune decreased from 9.5% in 2014 to 1%, people's lives have improved, and people's trust in the Party and the State has been firmly consolidated. Huong Non achieved a new rural commune in 2016 and an advanced new rural commune in 2022.
Dinh Vu
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