This year's university and college admission regulations are expected to have some adjustments compared to the draft for comments and compared to the 2024 admission regulations. Notably, there are regulations on the minimum score threshold for admission to the health and teacher training sectors.
Lecturers and students of Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy
2025: New input quality assurance threshold not yet applied
According to information shared by the representative of the Ministry of Education and Training in the opening program of Exam Season Consulting organized by Thanh Nien Newspaper on February 15, the regulations on the threshold to ensure input quality (floor score) for the health and teacher training sectors in 2025 are expected to be kept the same as the current regulations (admission regulations applied in 2024 - PV ). This threshold has not been adjusted this year to match the preparation process of candidates in the past to participate in the admission process for these sectors.
So, what are the specific entrance thresholds applied to the health and teacher training sectors in 2024? According to the regulations applicable to the 2024 enrollment year, the Ministry of Education and Training stipulates the minimum score threshold for these two sectors according to each admission method.
For formal training admission methods using high school graduation exam results, the entrance threshold for majors in the teacher training group and majors with practice certificates in the health sector is announced annually by the Ministry of Education and Training (this score is announced after the high school graduation exam results are available each year).
As for other forms of training or candidates who do not take the high school graduation exam in the year of admission, the entrance threshold for these majors is stipulated as follows: Candidates with a grade 12 academic performance of good or higher or a high school graduation score of 8.0 or higher for majors in the teacher training group (except for majors of physical education and sports training, music pedagogy, fine arts pedagogy; preschool education at college level) and majors of medicine, traditional medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy.
Candidates with a grade 12 academic performance of good or higher or a high school graduation score of 6.5 or higher will be admitted to the majors of physical education and sports training, music pedagogy, fine arts pedagogy; preschool education at college level and the majors of nursing, preventive medicine, midwifery, dental prosthetics, medical testing technology, medical imaging technology, and rehabilitation technology.
Candidates do not have to apply the general entrance threshold for teacher training and health majors. Specifically, candidates who are eligible for direct admission according to regulations; Candidates who are level 1 athletes, grandmasters, athletes who have won medals at the Phu Dong Sports Festival, national and international youth competitions or national and international championships. In particular, candidates majoring in music and fine arts with excellent aptitude test scores (from 9.0 or higher on a 10.0 scale) when applying for admission to suitable majors do not have to apply the entrance threshold.
In addition, the regulations also stipulate specific entry thresholds for candidates who have graduated from intermediate level or higher to apply for the same major group; those who have passed the entrance exam or graduated from teacher training majors before May 7, 2020 if applying for university to achieve the standard level as prescribed in Article 72 of the 2019 Education Law.
How is the official threshold different from the draft for comments?
Previously, in the draft circular amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Regulations on university and college admissions for preschool education that was put out for comments, the Ministry of Education and Training planned to raise the entrance threshold for pedagogy and health in the 2025 admission year.
According to the draft, students need to have academic results in all 3 years of high school ranked good or higher or a high school graduation score of 8 or higher to be eligible for admission to teacher training and health-related majors that grant practice certificates. Meanwhile, from 2024 onwards, the Ministry of Education and Training only stipulates that the required threshold is to have academic results in grade 12 of good or higher or a high school graduation score of 8 or higher.
Not only requiring an increase in the number of school years, the draft also stipulates that the threshold for ensuring the above conditions applies to all admission methods. Meanwhile, the current regulations only require a threshold for ensuring the input conditions for methods other than high school graduation exam scores. This means that if the draft is officially issued, in 2025, regardless of the admission method, students must have good academic performance in 3 years of high school when registering for the above majors in the pedagogical and health sectors.
Some other majors in the two major groups have lower entry threshold requirements such as: physical education, music education, art education; preschool education at college level; nursing, preventive medicine, midwifery, dental prosthetics, medical testing, medical imaging, and rehabilitation. Accordingly, the draft of the Ministry of Education and Training stipulates that the learning results in all 3 years of high school must be ranked as good or higher or the high school graduation score must be 6.5 or higher.
Thus, according to the draft, candidates who do not have good academic performance in 3 years of high school will not be considered for admission to many majors in these two special training fields. After the draft was issued, many students and parents expressed concerns that this adjustment, if issued, would have a major impact on learners. Admissions experts from a number of universities also recommended that this new regulation should not be applied immediately in 2025, but that it is necessary to consider a suitable application roadmap for regulations that affect the rights of students who have prepared since entering grade 10.
Thus, based on the comments on the draft admission regulations, the Ministry of Education and Training has decided not to apply the new standard level in the threshold to ensure admission to the health and teacher training sectors in the 2025 admission year.
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