On the afternoon of August 17, the 2024 regular university admissions council of Foreign Trade University agreed on the admission score plan (standard score) for the school's admission codes for method 4, which is the admission method based on the results of the 2024 high school graduation exam and a separate method using the 2024 high school exam scores.
Student of Foreign Trade University
Admission scores for majors, majors, and programs are relatively equal. The highest standard score is 28.5, belonging to the original group D01 for Chinese language major (major in Business Chinese).
Next is the score of 28.1 of the original combination A00 for the group of majors international business, business administration, hotel management and marketing. The score of 28 of the combination A00 is the benchmark for the group of majors economics and international economics.
There are 7 majors out of 15 majors of the school with admission scores according to the A00 combination from 28 or higher, accordingly 95% of the quota has an admission threshold of over 27 points.
Basically, the admission score for 2024 increased slightly compared to 2023. The school's new major, computer science, also had a relatively high admission score right from the first year of enrollment, at 27.2 points in all combinations.
Admission scores by specific industry group are as follows:
Source: https://thanhnien.vn/diem-chuan-truong-dh-ngoai-thuong-tang-nhe-185240817181029847.htm
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