The benchmark score of the Academy of Posts and Telecommunications Technology in 2024 is from 18 to 26.4, the highest is in Information Technology.
Compared to last year, the benchmark score for the Information Technology major decreased slightly by 0.15 points. In particular, the Journalism major that this school trains has a benchmark score of 25.29.
With the Southern campus, the benchmark score is from 18 to 25.17, the Information Technology industry is still the highest.
The above scores include priority points by region and subject (if any); Admission benchmark is determined on a 30-point scale.
Specifically, the benchmark scores of the Academy of Posts and Telecommunications Technology at the two campuses are as follows:
Admission score of the Academy of Posts and Telecommunications in 2024, Northern campus (Photo: M. Ha).
Admission score of the Academy of Posts and Telecommunications in 2024, Northern campus (Photo: M. Ha).
Benchmark score of Southern Post and Telecommunications Institute of Technology (Photo: M. Ha).
In 2024, the Academy of Posts and Telecommunications Technology will enroll a total of 5,060 students, according to 4 admission methods.
In 2024, the academy will continue to enroll students for high-quality training programs and international joint programs.
General admission principles of the academy: Candidates must meet the threshold to ensure input quality according to the school's regulations; admission is based on majors and exam subject combinations; admission scores of exam subject combinations in the same major are equal; admission for all wishes is equal; admission is based on candidates with high results down to the end of the quota and ensures admission quality; admission scores are calculated on a 10-point scale, the maximum total score of 3 exam subjects according to the admission combination is 30 points; if admission by each method does not meet the quota, the remaining quota will be transferred to admission by other methods.
In addition to the general admission principles above, the school applies conditions and principles for combined admission methods.
In particular, the academy does not apply additional separate criteria in admission, other than the regulations of the university admission regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.
Regarding tuition fees, the Academy of Posts and Telecommunications Technology said that tuition fees for full-time undergraduate programs in the 2024-2025 school year range from about 27 million VND to 34 million VND/year, depending on the major.
Tuition fees for high-quality undergraduate programs for the 2024-2025 academic year: average from about 39 million VND to 55 million VND/year depending on the major.
Tuition fee for the Bachelor of Information Technology program with application orientation for the 2024-2025 academic year: average about 35 million VND to 37 million VND/year.
Tuition fees for international joint programs for the 2024-2025 school year: average from about 49 million VND to 55.5 million VND/year depending on the program.
Maximum tuition fee increase roadmap for each school year: Tuition fees are adjusted according to a suitable roadmap commensurate with training quality and ensure the increase rate does not exceed 15%/year (according to Decree 81/ND-CP of the Government).
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