Discussing the new era, the era of national growth at the recent training class to update knowledge and skills for planning cadres of the 14th Party Central Committee, General Secretary To Lam said that an era is a historical period marked by important characteristics or events that have a great influence on the development of society - culture - politics - nature.
Eras are often used to divide time in history according to major events or fundamental changes in political life, science, technology, and the environment. For example: Industrial Era, Information Era, Digital Era, Space Era. Previously, there were Stone Age, Ancient Era, Medieval Era, etc.
The era of self-improvement implies creating a strong, decisive, drastic, positive, effortful, inner-strength, and confident movement to overcome challenges, surpass oneself, realize aspirations, reach goals, and achieve great achievements.
According to General Secretary To Lam, the new era, the era of the Vietnamese people's rise, is the era of development, the era of prosperity under the leadership and rule of the Communist Party, successfully building a socialist Vietnam, a rich people, a strong country, a democratic, fair, civilized society, on par with the world powers. All people have a prosperous and happy life, are supported to develop and enrich themselves; contribute more and more to the peace, stability, development of the world, the happiness of humanity and global civilization.
The destination of the rising era is a rich people, a strong country, a socialist society, standing shoulder to shoulder with the great powers of the five continents.
General Secretary To Lam
“The top priority in the new era is to successfully implement the strategic goals by 2030, Vietnam will become a developing country with modern industry and high average income; by 2045 it will become a developed socialist country with high income; strongly arouse national spirit, self-reliance, self-confidence, self-reliance, national pride, and aspirations for national development; closely combine national strength with the strength of the times. The starting point of the new era is the 14th National Party Congress, from now on, all Vietnamese people, hundreds of millions of people as one, under the leadership of the Party, will unite, join forces, make the most of opportunities and advantages, push back risks and challenges, bring the country to comprehensive and strong development, breakthrough and take off”. – General Secretary To Lam emphasized.
According to General Secretary To Lam, the great achievements gained after 40 years of renovation under the Party's leadership have helped the country accumulate momentum and strength for breakthrough development in the next period.
From a poor, backward, low-level, besieged and embargoed country, Vietnam has become a developing country with average income, deeply integrated into world politics, the global economy, and human civilization, taking on many important international responsibilities, and playing an active role in many important multilateral organizations and forums. Independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity are maintained; national and ethnic interests are guaranteed.
Now is the time for the Party's will to blend with the people's hearts in the aspiration to build a prosperous and happy country, soon successfully build socialism, and stand shoulder to shoulder with the world powers.
General Secretary To Lam
According to the latest statistics, the size of the economy in 2023 will increase 96 times compared to 1986. Vietnam is in the group of 40 countries with the largest economies in the world and the top 20 economies in terms of trade and foreign investment attraction; has diplomatic relations with 193 countries that are members of the United Nations; builds partnerships, strategic cooperation, and comprehensive strategic partnerships with all major powers in the world and the region.
Along with that, people's lives have been significantly improved, the poverty rate has decreased sharply; the Millennium Development Goals have been achieved early. Political, economic, cultural, social, scientific-technological, national defense and security potential has been constantly enhanced; actively contributing to maintaining peace and stability in the region and the world.
“The world is in a period of epochal change. From now until 2030 is the most important period to establish a new world order. This is also a period of important strategic opportunity, the final stage of the Vietnamese revolution to achieve the 100-year strategic goal under the leadership of the Party, creating a solid foundation to achieve the goal of 100 years of national founding.” – General Secretary To Lam said.
According to General Secretary To Lam, the epochal change brings new opportunities and advantages, but also many challenges, in which the challenges are more prominent and new opportunities can also appear in the moments between sudden changes in the world situation. The 4th industrial revolution, especially artificial intelligence and digital technology, brings opportunities that developing and underdeveloped countries can grasp to get ahead and develop rapidly.
General Secretary To Lam noted seven strategic orientations to bring the country into a new era, an era of national growth.
1. Improving the Party's leadership method
According to General Secretary To Lam, during more than 94 years of leading the revolution, our Party has constantly researched, developed, supplemented, and perfected leadership methods, and enhanced leadership and governing capacity.
However, besides the results, the innovation of the Party's leadership method still has many shortcomings and limitations. The requirement to strongly innovate the leadership method, improve leadership capacity, governing capacity, ensure the Party is the great helmsman, leading our nation forward strongly is urgent.
From there, General Secretary To Lam proposed a number of strategic solutions, which are: Strictly implement the Party's leadership and governance methods, absolutely do not allow excuses, replace or loosen the Party's leadership. Focus on streamlining the apparatus and organization of Party agencies, truly becoming the intellectual core, the "general staff", the vanguard leading state agencies. Strongly innovate the promulgation, dissemination and implementation of Party resolutions; build grassroots Party organizations, Party members are truly "cells" of the Party...
2. Strengthening the Party spirit in building and perfecting the Socialist rule of law State of the people, by the people, for the people
General Secretary To Lam emphasized that the legal viewpoint in the socialist rule-of-law state needs to be continuously improved to institutionalize the Party's guidelines and policies, promote democracy, serve the people, recognize, respect, ensure and protect human rights and civil rights.
According to General Secretary To Lam, it is necessary to strongly innovate legislative work, including: Transforming the thinking of law-making towards both ensuring the requirements of State management and encouraging creativity, liberating all productive forces, and opening up all resources for development. Management thinking is not rigid, resolutely abandoning the thinking of "if you can't manage, then ban". Legal regulations must be stable and have long-term value. Innovating the process of building and organizing the implementation of laws. Sticking closely to reality, standing on the ground of Vietnamese reality to build appropriate legal regulations. Promoting decentralization and delegation of power...
3. Streamline the organization for effective and efficient operations
General Secretary To Lam emphasized that this task is very urgent with the strategic policy, which is: Continue to focus on building and streamlining the organizational apparatus of the Party, the National Assembly, the Government, the Fatherland Front, and socio-political organizations to operate effectively and efficiently; streamline the apparatus and organization of Party agencies, truly be the intellectual core, the "general staff", the vanguard leading state agencies. Cut down unnecessary intermediary connections, arrange the organization in a multi-sectoral and multi-field direction. Perfect the inspection and supervision mechanism, ensure unity in state management and promote proactiveness, creativity, and enhance the autonomy and self-reliance of localities.
4. Digital transformation
General Secretary To Lam emphasized that digital transformation is not simply the application of digital technology to socio-economic activities, but also the process of establishing a new, advanced and modern production method - "digital production method".
Therefore, it is necessary to focus on building a legal corridor for digital development, creating a foundation for Vietnam to seize opportunities from the Fourth Industrial Revolution. There is a breakthrough mechanism to attract domestic and foreign talent. Promote the application of information technology, build a digital platform to connect and share data between agencies and organizations. Promote digital transformation associated with ensuring security and safety.
5. Anti-waste
General Secretary To Lam pointed out that in reality, waste is now quite common, in many different forms, and has caused many serious consequences.
Therefore, General Secretary To Lam directed that it is necessary to strengthen the prevention and fight against waste, equivalent to the prevention and fight against corruption and negativity. Review and supplement regulations on management mechanisms and economic and technical norms that are no longer suitable to the country's development practices. Complete regulations on handling wasteful behavior. Resolutely resolve the long-standing problems of important national projects, key projects, and low-efficiency projects that cause great loss and waste. Build a culture of preventing and fighting waste.
6. Staff
The General Secretary said that this is a “very important” issue, “deciding everything”, “cadres are the root of all work”, and are the decisive factor in the success or failure of the revolution. Building a team of cadres with enough capacity to lead the country into a new era, an era of national growth, is an urgent issue.
General Secretary To Lam emphasized the need to strongly innovate the work of recruitment, training, promotion, appointment, rotation, transfer, and evaluation of cadres in a practical direction, for finding people, on the basis of specific and measurable products. Strengthen self-training and self-development, especially for the requirements of digital transformation. Build a mechanism to encourage and protect cadres with innovative thinking, who dare to think, dare to do, dare to break through, and dare to take responsibility for the common good. Screen and remove from work those who do not have enough qualities, capacity, prestige, etc.
7. Economy
According to General Secretary To Lam, Vietnam's overall economy has grown continuously since the implementation of the Platform for National Construction in the Transitional Period to Socialism in 1991, and has consistently been among the countries with high growth rates in the region and the world. However, the risk of economic backwardness still exists, and the risk of Vietnam's economy falling into the middle-income trap.
Therefore, General Secretary To Lam directed that it is necessary to make stronger breakthroughs in development institutions, remove bottlenecks and barriers, take people and businesses as the center, mobilize and unblock all internal and external resources, resources within the people, develop science and technology synchronously and smoothly. Focus on developing new productive forces associated with perfecting production relations. Promote strategic technology, digital transformation, green transformation, take science and technology, innovation as the main driving force for development.
Source: https://diendandoanhnghiep.vn/dich-den-cua-ky-nguyen-vuon-minh-10144964.html
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