Nguyen Huong Giang, grade 12 English 1 and Hoang Duc Long, grade 12 Math 2, Hanoi High School for the Gifted in Education are not only beautiful and talented but also have impressive academic achievements.
With impressive appearance and achievements, the couple Nguyen Huong Giang, class 12 English 1 and Hoang Duc Long, class 12 Math 2 recently excelled in becoming 2 General Ambassadors in the Ambassador Final Night - Final Day in the largest annual event series of Hanoi National University of Education High School for the Gifted.
Sharing with Dan Viet newspaper reporter, Nguyen Huong Giang said she was extremely happy to receive this highest position.
Huong Giang not only possesses an impressive appearance, the female student also attracts attention with her excellent academic achievements: 1540 SAT, 8.0 IELTS, GPA over 9.4 for three consecutive years, a 1,000 USD scholarship from Oxford University, UK, 2 scholarships worth more than 11.8 billion VND at universities in the US. She is the founder of a project to support autistic children and is also the author of two studies on psychological disorders in students.
Nguyen Huong Giang achieved 1540 SAT, 8.0 IELTS, GPA three consecutive years above 9.4. Photo: NVCC
As someone who always cultivates and develops herself every day, when asked about the secret to becoming "other people's child", Huong Giang replied: "I don't think I'm a very good person, but I always try my best and absorb knowledge. One of the most important things is to maintain curiosity - always ask questions, always try to understand more deeply instead of learning by rote. In addition, I also balance between studying and other activities, because I believe that knowledge comes not only from books but also from real-life experiences".
In the near future, Huong Giang plans to continue implementing community projects, especially activities related to psychology and education. The female student also wishes to organize sessions on mental health for students, helping people understand more about themselves and those around them, contributing to the development of the Pedagogical School, becoming a place of inspiration for each student.
Duc Long has 8.0 IELTS. Photo: NVCC
Equally outstanding, Ambassador Hoang Duc Long also possesses an "extremely high profile" when he was the runner-up in the Mathematics Excellence Student of Tay Ho District, the third prize in the Science Horizon Competition for grade 11 at the Specialized Pedagogical High School and has an IELTS score of 8.0. Duc Long shared that he feels extremely honored and proud to have achieved the title of Specialized Pedagogical Ambassador and will strive to practice to be worthy of this position.
Duc Long said that strengthening the spirit of students is extremely important, so in the future he hopes to be able to organize activities such as contacting experts, organizing seminars to improve the mental health of students. In particular, with the community, Duc Long hopes to be able to spread meaningful activities such as donating and charity to poor children, mobilizing students to donate blood when they turn 18, and seminars to prevent school violence.
The "handsome man, beautiful woman" couple at Hanoi High School for the Gifted. Photo: NVCC
Not only is it a playground that prioritizes beauty or intelligence, the Pedagogical Ambassador contest is also a place to find a representative who possesses both confidence and responsibility. A Pedagogical Ambassador must not only excel in studying but also demonstrate courage and enthusiasm through extracurricular activities and social experiences.
To be present in the Final night, Huong Giang and Duc Long excellently surpassed other contestants in challenging and competitive rounds: Interview Round, Talent Round and Photo Round.
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