What are parking lights?
Parking lights are found on most cars today. They are located on the corners of the front and rear bumpers. They are designed to indicate the position and width of a parked car so that other vehicles can see it more easily, in situations where visibility is poor, such as at night, in rain, fog, or other bad weather conditions.
Parking light systems are divided into two main types: using electric light sources and using reflective panels. Reflective panels are commonly equipped on most popular car models.
The advantages of reflective panels are that they do not consume electricity, are cheap and easy to replace. However, this type of lamp has poor reflective performance in bad weather conditions such as drizzle, fog, ice and snow.
Parking lights on cars help identify vehicles better in low-light parking situations.
The type that uses electric light source mostly uses LED bulbs so the power consumption is low, good lighting performance in all weather conditions.
Parking lights are dimmer and have a smaller illumination area than standard headlights, but the light intensity is sufficient to identify the location of stationary vehicles to prevent accidents with moving vehicles and pedestrians.
The main function of parking lights is to enhance the visibility of a parked vehicle and to help other vehicles increase their ability to recognize other parked vehicles at night by illuminating the sides of the vehicle.
This helps prevent accidents and collisions when other vehicles are moving in the vicinity. Because parked cars without lights are almost invisible in the dark. Therefore, illuminated parking lights allow road users to recognize the location and general size of the vehicle, avoiding collisions.
How to turn on parking lights?
Each manufacturer and each car will have a different way of activating the parking lights. But for car models equipped with automatic headlights such as the VinFast Lux A and Lux SA, or some Ford, BMW, Mercedes models, the implementation is the same.
With the steps to turn on the parking lights in turn: Stop the car, turn off the engine and switch the light switch to automatic mode. Then turn the turn signal all the way to the side you want to turn on the lights and get out of the car, lock the door, at this time the parking light system will be activated. To deactivate the parking light feature, the driver just needs to press the unlock button.
Vehicles equipped with automatic lights mostly have the same way of turning on parking lights.
There are many situations where drivers should use parking lights, most commonly when parking in areas with low light. At this time, drivers should use parking lights to make it easier for moving vehicles to observe, helping to increase safety for road users and the vehicle itself.
When stopping on the road, especially on the highway at dusk, drivers should also use parking lights. Because using headlights at this time will blind oncoming vehicles too much, and using emergency warning lights will not be appropriate.
In case of reversing out of the road due to fog, heavy rain or snow blocking visibility, using additional parking lights will also help other drivers easily recognize and avoid accidents.
To deactivate the parking lights feature, the driver simply presses the unlock button.
Source: https://xe.baogiaothong.vn/den-do-xe-o-to-tinh-nang-huu-ich-khong-phai-tai-xe-nao-cung-biet-192231220125315971.htm
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