Need to issue policies and regulations on the use of AI in education
At the seminar "Vision and future orientation for education in the AI era" held on the morning of March 20 in Ho Chi Minh City, Prof. Dr. Le Anh Vinh - Director of the Vietnam Institute of Educational Sciences said that the benefits of AI are to increase access to education, promote personalized education, enhance the spirit of self-study, innovation and improve teaching efficiency, and create lifelong learning habits.
The challenges are the growing digital divide, ethical issues in AI, data privacy, accuracy and objectivity of content, and dependence on technology.
Assuming that AI has a comprehensive impact on the three pillars of education: curriculum, teaching and learning process, and assessment, Professor Le Anh Vinh specifically analyzed: AI supports teachers and administrators in the teaching and learning process such as supporting the development of lesson plans, developing teaching materials, designing tests, grading, analyzing results, and supporting personalized feedback for learners.
“Teachers need to be more proactive in using technology. New technology is constantly evolving, the story is not just about updating technology but also about what technology skills are needed to support teaching and learning, and equipping students with skills to adapt to the ever-changing world of technology,” Professor Dr. Le Anh Vinh recommended.

Regarding the survey results of the Vietnam Institute of Educational Sciences on the use of AI with 11,000 high school students nationwide, Professor Le Anh Vinh stated: The faster the adaptation, the more effective and practical the teaching will be, thereby preparing students for a life full of fluctuations and changes.
Associate Professor Dr. Le Anh Cuong, Head of the Department of Computer Science, Ton Duc Thang University, also said that the general goal of AI education in general education should be to help students exploit AI effectively, responsibly, ethically and safely; develop new abilities to help students not only use AI but also master AI in their future work and life.
According to Associate Professor Dr. Le Anh Cuong, applying AI tools in teaching, learning and administration will improve the quality of students' learning, develop critical and creative thinking, enhance fairness in education, use AI in assessment to ensure fairness and improve quality, improve the quality of lectures and teaching methods, and manage education intelligently with AI.
To use AI effectively, safely and responsibly, Associate Professor Dr. Le Anh Cuong mentioned a number of solutions. These include issuing policies and regulations on the use of AI in education; training teachers on how to use AI effectively, helping students develop critical thinking and information verification skills, monitoring and limiting the use of AI in learning assessment, protecting student privacy and data, and building a suitable educational AI ecosystem.
Associate Professor Dr. Le Anh Cuong also proposed building a digital technology ecosystem - AI dedicated to education. Including building a large language model dedicated to education, building digital textbooks integrated with AI tools, building a digital system to assess students' abilities.
Take advantage of what the world has done, what is happening in practice to act
Speaking at the discussion, Deputy Minister of Education and Training Pham Ngoc Thuong said that the current context is favorable for bringing AI into general education. The Deputy Minister mentioned Resolution 29-NQ/TW on fundamental and comprehensive innovation in education and training, Resolution 57-NQ/TW on breakthroughs in science and technology development, innovation and national digital transformation and affirmed that clearly, breakthroughs must be made through science, technology, digital transformation, creativity, focusing on people, training teachers, managers and students.

Emphasizing the keywords: Unlimited, opportunity, challenge, drastic action, appropriate, Deputy Minister Pham Ngoc Thuong said that AI entering life, entering education, there are more opportunities than challenges. “Decisive, it is true that we must be decisive and must go faster in applying AI. We need to take advantage of what the world has done, what is happening in practice to act. Act immediately and very drastically, proactively, creatively, suitable to the practical conditions of each place.” Mentioning these requirements, the Deputy Minister also mentioned the characteristic of education is widespread, so there needs to be steps and pilots.
The Deputy Minister requested that the Departments of Education and Training pay attention to training, fostering, and encouraging teachers to use AI appropriately, and piloting it in educational institutions. With the view that "teachers who know how to use AI will replace teachers who do not know how to use AI", Deputy Minister Pham Ngoc Thuong requested that there should be direction and orientation, with actions from the Ministry of Education and Training and the initiative from the Departments of Education and Training and schools.
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