Minister Nguyen Van Hung proposed developing a policy for civil servants in the performing arts sector, which is included in the list of arduous, toxic, and dangerous jobs and occupations.
Minister Nguyen Van Hung - Photo: GIA HAN
Many difficulties and shortcomings
According to the minister, artists and actors are trained very elaborately and for a long time (from 7 to 12 years, some subjects from 15 to 16 years). The age of vocational training is usually from 10 years old and must be talented. The time of performing arts is very short, on average about 15 to 20 years, when reaching the age of 35 to 40 (for women) and from 40 to 45 years old (for men). This leads to a decline in performance ability, greatly affecting the quality of professional activities of performing arts such as circus, contortion, ballet... The report clearly states that those working in the performing arts field, when they have reached the end of their working age but are not old enough to retire, face difficulties in changing their job position from actor to civil servant, management officer, and administrative position. Because they do not meet the standards for civil servant and public employee exams and selection because the majority of actors only have intermediate vocational degrees. On the other hand, in reality, actors who have reached retirement age but are not yet at retirement age often want to resolve the policy to retire early.Salary and benefits are still low
In addition, according to the minister, the salary regime is calculated for most civil servants with the professional title of actor level IV from salary coefficient 1.86 to salary coefficient 4.06, actor level III from salary coefficient 2.34 to salary coefficient 4.98. Through survey and evaluation, currently, for civil servants in the art field with seniority, having contributed for 10 years (average age 35), they receive about 5 million VND after deducting social insurance, just above the regional minimum wage. For employees who have just been appointed to civil servants, actor level (average age 25), the intermediate salary coefficient of civil servants of type B level 1 will be 1.86. Deducting 10.5% of social insurance, the income from salary that civil servants receive is lower than the regional minimum wage, not meeting the needs of living, eating, staying and traveling for actors. Regarding the allowance regime, according to the regulations, the allowance for practice and performance is based on a specific amount of money (the lowest allowance for practice is 35,000 VND/practice session and the highest is 80,000 VND/practice session. The lowest allowance for performance is 80,000 VND/performance session and the highest is 200,000 VND/performance session). However, from 2015 to now, after 6 increases in the basic salary, the specific allowance level as above remains the same, not keeping up with the needs of life. Therefore, it does not encourage and motivate civil servants and professional workers in the performing arts field. From that reality, Minister Nguyen Van Hung proposed to develop a policy for civil servants in the performing arts field in the list of arduous, toxic, dangerous jobs and especially arduous, toxic, dangerous jobs. This helps them to be considered for early retirement as desired when they have participated in social insurance for 20 years or more, the pension level will be based on the social insurance contribution rate. Along with that, amend, supplement, and issue a new decree stipulating a number of regimes and policies for civil servants and professional workers in public service units in the performing arts sector. In which, focus on amending and supplementing regulations on preferential occupational allowances, amending and supplementing regulations on training allowances, performance allowances, etc.According to the program, Minister Nguyen Van Hung will answer questions about the selection, training and policies for athletes and artists in the arts; and job creation for athletes and artists after their peak competition and performance periods.
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