Speaking at the discussion group on the afternoon of November 10, National Assembly delegate Hoang Van Cuong (Hanoi Delegation) said: "The capital is a special urban area, officials and civil servants must carry out important responsibilities, solve national problems, not local problems, so the salary regime must also be different."
The draft law proposes that Hanoi be allowed to spend additional income on cadres, civil servants, and public employees of agencies, units of the capital and a number of central vertical agencies located in the area.
The total expenditure for this content does not exceed 0.8 times the basic salary fund of cadres, civil servants and public employees. According to Mr. Cuong, the above increase is not really special or breakthrough because it is only equal to some other localities, "it needs to be higher".
"With the salary fund increased by 0.8 times, each individual's benefit is not worth much. I propose that the revised Capital Law does not limit the amount of additional expenses because when the organization is streamlined, Hanoi can pay a staff member many times higher," said delegate Hoang Van Cuong. This is also a way for the Capital to attract talent, contributing to increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of the management apparatus.
Delegate Hoang Van Cuong (Photo: Quochoi.vn)
Delegate Pham Van Hoa (Vice President of the Dong Thap Province Lawyers Association) agreed that the draft needs a specific mechanism and policy on income to help Hanoi attract talented people to work. However, he suggested clearly defining the criteria for talent, avoiding the mechanism of asking and giving.
"If the children of the powerful are brought in and said to be talented, then sent to study abroad, but when they return to the country they work ineffectively, the budget will be wasted," said delegate Hoa.
Delegate Ta Thi Yen (Dien Bien Delegation) said that it is necessary to study regulations in the direction of assigning the Hanoi City People's Council to proactively decide on the staffing of cadres, civil servants, and public employees based on the framework of job positions approved by competent authorities.
"Such a regulation will help the City be more proactive in terms of staffing resources, and can increase or decrease staffing in each period, depending on the specific situation and practical needs of the locality," she analyzed.
Regarding the salary and income regime of cadres, civil servants and public employees, National Assembly delegate Ta Thi Yen suggested that the Law should also have appropriate and strict regulations, ensuring adherence to the roadmap for implementing the new salary regime from July 1, 2024.
According to the female delegate, to develop high-quality human resources, Hanoi needs to use the city budget to invest in key national training facilities; at the same time, allow officials, civil servants, public employees, and students of the capital to study abroad.
If Hanoi wants to attract talent, it needs to have its own preferential treatment, such as being selected and accepted as civil servants and public employees, and enjoying the benefits and policies prescribed by the Hanoi People's Council..., she added.
Ha Cuong
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