Accordingly, the Government proposed to assign the Ministry of Education and Training and the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs as the agencies in charge of developing strategies, projects, development plans, and total teacher payroll under their management authority to submit to competent authorities for decision.
At the same time, these two agencies also want to coordinate the number of teachers in public educational institutions according to the number assigned by the competent authority. Educational management agencies or educational institutions take the lead in recruiting teachers.
Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Kim Son presents draft law
At the same time, the Government proposed that the State have policies to attract highly qualified people, talented people, excellent graduates, young scientists, and people with special talents to participate in recruitment as teachers and to recruit teachers to work in especially difficult areas, ethnic minority areas, mountainous areas, coastal areas, and islands.
Currently, the recruitment, use and management of teachers, including teachers and lecturers, are generally regulated in the Law on Civil Servants, and the authority to manage teacher payroll belongs to the internal affairs sector.
Minister Nguyen Kim Son said the Government expects the Law on Teachers to perfect the legal system on teachers, and at the same time have specific policies to build and develop teachers.
In particular, the promulgation of the law will overcome shortcomings in state management of teachers such as the local surplus or shortage of teachers that has occurred for many years or shortcomings in the management of non-public teaching staff.
The quality of the teaching staff will basically be consistent throughout the entire system when there is a system of titles, professional standards, and requirements for teachers' ethics that are uniformly regulated.
In addition, specific and innovative policies will facilitate the development of teachers. In addition to the highest salaries and allowances, there are additional support policies to attract talents to the education sector, attract dedicated people to particularly difficult areas, or set reasonable retirement ages for preschool teachers and highly qualified teachers.
Delegate Thai Van Thanh (Nghe An delegation)
After going around in circles, the school has started and the teacher is still not here.
Discussing in the morning group the same day, delegate Thai Van Thanh, Director of the Department of Education and Training of Nghe An province, said that giving the education sector the initiative to actively recruit and use teachers is necessary, creating favorable conditions for localities and educational institutions to proactively develop plans to develop the teaching staff from recruitment, evaluation, to human resource training.
When the education management agency is in charge of recruitment and staff management, it will be proactive in using, mobilizing, rotating, and seconding staff to meet requirements and limit the local surplus or shortage of staff in localities.
In fact, Mr. Thanh said, there is a situation where this district has a lot of surplus teachers but cannot transfer them to districts with shortages, because the industry is not assigned authority to manage the payroll.
“For a long time, we have been saying that the teaching staff is short of about 120,000 people, of which 72,000 people have not been recruited. The reason for the slow recruitment is due to many layers, such as going through the internal affairs department, then back to the education department, then back to the internal affairs department 3-4 times, slowing down recruitment, leading to the new school year starting but there are still no teachers,” Mr. Thanh emphasized.
According to Mr. Thanh, when the education sector is not assigned the task of managing the payroll, it becomes impossible to place training orders, because "what if after placing an order, there are no payroll quotas after graduation?"
According to Mr. Thanh, being proactive in the establishment of the staff will facilitate the implementation of professional standards and teacher standards, creating a legal corridor to improve the quality of teachers. This is also a tool for educational institutions to develop plans for training, fostering, appointing, rotating, evaluating and screening teachers.
In addition, according to Mr. Thanh, policies on attracting and protecting teachers create a legal corridor for localities to attract excellent students, or people with special talents and abilities in other fields to train and foster pedagogical skills to become teachers.
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