“It is no coincidence that “Home” is always associated with “School”, because a happy school environment will always evoke love, a sense of familiarity and strong bonds - where each member is like “a family member”. I want to emphasize: Let's build the school into “a happy touchpoint”.
That was the sharing of Labor Hero Thai Huong, founder of the TH School system at the Happiness in Education 2024 Conference held on November 23-24 in Hanoi.
The philosophy of “happy school” and the happy lessons that are being practiced every day at TH School do not simply bring a new model, but can be seen as a path to contribute to fundamental and comprehensive innovation of Vietnamese education in the direction of creating a happy learning environment, where the focus is not only on the brain, but also on the hearts of students.
Desire to build a "happy school"
Napoleon once said: “The future of the child is the work of the mother”. Any parent wants to devote all their heart and soul to their beloved children. And certainly no mother wants to let go of her young children to step into the strange world, no mother wants her children to leave their mother’s arms early with an incomplete childhood in a foreign land.
“As a mother, I completely understand that feeling. How can our children not sacrifice the most beautiful time of their adolescence to seek better educational opportunities? How can Vietnam not witness young talents who, because of emotional attachment at the right age, devote their intelligence to another country?” – Ms. Thai Huong recounted the first concerns that motivated her desire to build a school with a modern and humane educational environment.
From the desire to do the best for her children to develop fully and comprehensively right in her homeland, she built TH School with the heart and soul of a mother - a dream school that brings true happiness to children by imparting the world's advanced education and the quintessence of Vietnamese education, all for a future golden generation to build a strong and powerful Fatherland.
TH School was born, carrying within it a meaningful story.
Here, children have the right to receive a world-class education with the best quality learning environment and facilities.
Children have the right to enjoy comprehensive physical education programs and optimal schooling regimes, which are systematically legislated to improve the health and stature of the young generation in particular and Vietnamese people in general.
TH School's goal is to help Vietnamese children become global citizens, while appreciating culture and cherishing national identity.
“With all my passion and dedication, I am determined to build TH School into a happy school - a place where joy blooms and love spreads,” Ms. Thai Huong shared.
After 8 years of establishment, TH School has made steady progress in training, recorded many outstanding achievements, becoming a school where children can study, play, make friends, develop a free and complete environment, and express their desires and dreams.
Thoroughly applying the philosophy of “happy school”, TH School has been and will continue to empower each student, encourage them to develop their creativity, and constantly improve themselves to build a solid foundation for their future success.
“It is no coincidence that the word “home” is always associated with the word “school”. A happy school environment will always evoke love, a sense of familiarity and strong bonds, where each member feels like a family member”. From there, the Founder of TH School emphasized the message, let's build the school into “a happy touchpoint” - a place to connect the quintessence of knowledge, traditional culture and future vision; orient and empower students to be ready to become global citizens.
To integrate happiness and personal goals into the educational environment; TH School has applied the SPIRE model.
This is a comprehensive approach, developed by Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar - an expert in Positive Psychology at Harvard University.
The SPIRE happiness framework includes five aspects to promote lifelong learning and build a more peaceful life, based on the latest research on happiness.
1. Spiritual well-being
2. Physical well-being
3. Intellectual well-being
4. Relational well-being
5. Emotional well-being.
Ms. Thai Huong is on the "path of creating added values for happiness"
The founder of TH School also emphasized the role of teachers in creating happy lessons in happy schools. She considered teacher training as the number 1 priority for educational innovation. That is why she founded the Institute for Education Research and Human Resource Development (EDI) before building the TH School system to train teachers for the TH School system and train many teachers outside TH School to spread happiness in education.
Over the past 10 years since its establishment, EDI has combined an innovative educational model with Vietnamese culture and international standards, aiming to build a generation of excellent intellectuals. EDI's mission is not only to develop academics but also to inspire a passion for learning and nurture happiness in education. Through that, the Institute aims to build human resources with skills, global thinking, and deep attachment to Vietnamese identity. The Happiness in Education 2024 Conference is one of the activities that clearly demonstrates EDI's mission and goals.
Ms. Thai Huong affirmed that the career of “growing people” cannot be successful in a day or two, but requires the understanding and participation of society in general and the education sector in particular. “Only then can we realize the determination to nurture future golden generations, contributing to the sustainable development of an entire country and a nation.”
Appreciating Ms. Thai Huong's efforts, Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Kim Son acknowledged that TH School has always pursued the happy school model and has achieved many remarkable achievements.
“Ms. Thai Huong is a person who is always interested in building a happy school. To have an idea and successfully implement it, first of all, Ms. Thai Huong must be a happy person and the path she pursues must be a path that creates added value for happiness,” the Minister expressed in his speech at the opening session of the Happiness in Education 2024 conference on the morning of November 23.
On November 23-24, the Institute for Education Research and Human Resources Development (EDI) organized the Happiness in Education 2024 Conference with a series of activities including 4 sessions; gathering leading educational experts in the country and around the world to discuss and share skills and methods on structures and models to create a happy learning environment for students; emphasizing the training of a generation of teachers with the capacity to create happy lessons, contributing to educational innovation and promoting comprehensive education in Vietnam.
Source: https://daidoanket.vn/nha-sang-lap-th-school-de-truong-hoc-thanh-moi-truong-hanh-phuc-than-thuoc-va-gan-ket-10295191.html
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