Need to aim for clearer and more achievable goals
Continuing the Working Program of the 5th Session, on the morning of June 19, the National Assembly held a plenary discussion in the hall on the draft Law on Housing (amended).
Participating in giving opinions, delegate Nguyen Van Hien (Lam Dong delegation) said that social housing policy is one of the eight important policy groups in this law amendment. The above policy is reflected in the general provisions and Chapter 6 of the draft law.
Through research, he found that this policy expressed in the draft was not really accurate and did not properly handle practical problems.
He suggested that social housing policies should aim for clearer and more feasible goals, specifically: It is necessary to focus on the core goal of social housing development to meet the need for suitable housing for people, not to meet the need for home ownership.
Delegate Nguyen Van Hien participated in giving comments.
With that orientation, social housing must be adjusted in the direction of increasing rental housing, and state budget support sources must be appropriately divided among all three parties: investors, operating management agencies and people.
In addition, it is necessary to separate social housing development policies from social management and operation policies, and to separate investment in low-cost housing for sale or rent-to-own from investment in social housing for rent.
It is necessary to separate investment and operation of social housing, in which the State should soon complete regulations related to social housing for rent, creating a legal basis for arranging appropriate support capital sources, especially budget capital; as well as establishing specialized organizations to manage and operate social housing.
Along with that, the State's policy needs to set very specific goals and roadmaps to have a large enough number of social housing to meet people's needs.
At the same time, the concept of social housing in the draft law should be revised. Accordingly, social housing only applies to the form of rental, not the form of purchase or lease-purchase.
If social housing is only for rent as experienced in other countries, there will be no situation where high-income people compete to buy or rent social housing with low-income people, creating no social inequality.
Therefore, the delegate believes that it would be reasonable to have separate regulations on low-cost housing and social housing, because low-cost housing can be bought and rented, and is essentially commercial housing, and social relations should only be rented. Only then will people, especially low-income people in urban areas, have hope of accessing social housing.
Avoid cheap prices with poor quality
Speaking at the meeting, delegate Nguyen Lam Thanh (Thai Nguyen delegation) highly appreciated the draft Law presented at the Session. Giving specific comments on the explanation of terms, the delegate suggested adding the concept of apartment, because the draft only explains the concept of apartment, in an apartment there are many apartments, so it is necessary to explain the concept of apartment as a housing unit ensuring minimum area and basic living conditions for individuals and households...
In Clause 7, the delegate proposed to add the household object to the group of individuals and households. In addition, in Clause 8, it was proposed to revise the concept of social housing as housing for subjects who are entitled to the State's housing support policy according to the law.
Regarding the policy on housing management and use development and general requirements for housing management and use development, agreeing with delegate Nguyen Van Hien, Mr. Thanh said that the socio-economic development strategy for 2021-2030 and the socio-economic development plan for 2021-2025 clearly state the development and expansion of housing types, promoting the development of social housing, rental housing, low-cost housing, housing for workers in industrial parks, creating conditions to encourage economic sectors to participate in housing development according to market mechanisms for social policy beneficiaries.
National Assembly Delegate Nguyen Lam Thanh.
Therefore, the draft law needs to clarify and deepen the policy content for each type of subject, meeting the general requirements of socio-economic development, in which it is necessary to clearly and correctly define and unify the content of social housing.
Delegates proposed to expand the concept of social housing, avoiding the unwritten view that social housing is housing for type 2 subjects, cheap price with poor quality, not ensuring conditions of use for people as has existed in some projects in the past, especially the issue of resettlement housing causing public outrage.
According to the delegate, the right to better and safer housing is always a legitimate need of all social classes. Therefore, should we introduce the concept of low-cost housing instead of affordable housing in the approach and policy development to promote the development of the housing market, both social housing and commercial housing?
In which, the State uses tax tools, credit, investment support from the budget, land policies to compensate for the increased investment value based on market economy principles to reduce selling prices and rental prices for policy subjects and consider this as a source of investment capital for social security .
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