Conference to review the implementation of the Law on Officers of the Vietnam People's Army (Law on Officers) organized by the Party Committee and Military Command of Lam Dong province on August 10.
The Law on Officers was promulgated in 1999, amended and supplemented in 2008 and 2014. Over the years, the Party Committee and Military Command of Lam Dong province have always thoroughly grasped, studied, and strictly and strictly implemented it, thereby contributing to building a team of officers with political and military science qualifications, knowledge of culture, economics, society, law and other fields, and practical operational capacity to meet the requirements of assigned tasks...
However, in recent times, the practical application of the Law on Officers at units has given rise to difficulties and shortcomings, especially in the context of new developments in national defense and security tasks, a series of other related laws being issued, and the economic situation and social life constantly changing.
Increase the age of military service
Speaking at the conference, opinions suggested that it is necessary to supplement, amend or promulgate a new Law on Officers with contents that need to be legalized, which are: Increasing the age of active service for officers to ensure good insurance benefits upon retirement and in accordance with the policy of attracting and using experienced officers for the army.
Currently, most major and lieutenant colonel officers do not receive 75% of their pension when they retire because they have not worked long enough according to insurance industry regulations.
At the same time, the conference proposed continuing salary reform to suit the specific nature of the Army's labor.
The content of housing allowance policy support for each officer and professional soldier should stipulate a specific amount in the monthly salary to implement in a synchronous, transparent and fair manner for each subject according to Circular No. 177/2011/TT-BQP dated September 19, 2011.
In the military university training program, academies should integrate intermediate political theory and advanced political theory training programs so that upon graduation, graduates will be awarded a degree without having to retrain, and at the same time meet the requirements for political theory level according to Regulation 57-QD/TW dated February 8, 2022 of the Central Executive Committee on standards and decentralization of political theory training.
Source: government
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