Inhaling toxic gases can cause pneumonia and inflammation of the airways, causing them to swell. This can lead to acute respiratory distress syndrome, according to the health website Healthline (USA).
To limit smoke inhalation when a fire occurs, you need to bend low to avoid contact with smoke, wet a cloth or handkerchief and cover your nose and mouth to reduce the amount of smoke inhaled.
Symptoms of smoke inhalation
Depending on the amount of smoke inhaled, the victim will have different symptoms. In general, these symptoms include coughing, shortness of breath, headache, nausea, hoarseness, pale skin, convulsions, coma, and chest pain.
How to prevent smoke inhalation
To avoid smoke inhalation, people need to recognize the signs of a fire as soon as possible, according to the National Fire Protection Association. Accordingly, this agency recommends that people install smoke detectors in every bedroom and on every level of the house.
To ensure fire safety, families should not leave lit cigarettes, candles or other flammable objects in the home unattended. In addition, everyone should supervise and concentrate during cooking and must extinguish fires and dispose of cigarette butts properly.
According to The Health Site , in case of fire, you need to crouch low to avoid exposure to smoke, wet a cloth or handkerchief and cover your nose and mouth to reduce the amount of smoke inhaled. In case your clothes catch fire, you need to lie down and roll until the fire is out.
First aid notes
In case of detecting fire or a lot of smoke in the area near your residence, you need to call the fire department immediately.
If you find someone suffering from smoke inhalation, you should call medical help immediately. If it is safe to do so, you can move the smoke inhalation victim to fresh air while waiting for medical help to arrive.
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