Resolution No. 88/2014/QH13 and Resolution No. 51/2017/QH14 on innovation of general education programs and textbooks of the National Assembly have decided on an important policy: one program, many sets of textbooks. However, the issue of many sets of textbooks has not "cooled down" in recent times, both in reality and in the National Assembly.
On the afternoon of May 23, discussing the draft Law on Prices (amended) at the 5th session of the 15th National Assembly, delegate Nguyen Thi Kim Thuy (Da Nang) said that Resolution No. 88/2014/QH13 stipulates the socialization of textbook compilation, but the Law on Education (amended) 2019 shows a different view when it does not give the right to choose textbooks to educational institutions but to the People's Committees at the provincial level.
Deputies are concerned: between Resolution No. 88/2014/QH13 and the Law on Education, which provision is more easily exploited to serve group interests?
During the discussion on the morning of June 1, Deputy Nguyen Thi Kim Thuy continued to raise many "suspicious" issues in the field of textbooks, especially the lack of transparency and objectivity in textbook selection. That stems from Circular No. 25 dated August 26, 2020 of the Ministry of Education and Training guiding the selection of textbooks. Many teachers and educational institution managers reported that in the selection of textbooks, the opinions of teachers and schools were not respected, and many professional groups and schools even had to redo the book selection minutes to match the opinions of superiors.
The delegate also said that 79% of the textbooks reported by the Vietnam Education Publishing House to Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha had been printed before the bidding. The delegate brought documents to the parliament to prove that if the Ministry of Education and Training does not resolutely detect and handle the phenomena of "lobbying and backstabbing" in the socialization of textbooks, "there will come a day when it will be too late to regret it", like the Viet A case.
Not only that, according to the delegate, the selection of books lacks transparency and objectivity, potentially creating unhealthy competition, gradually distorting the policy, even eliminating the socialization of textbooks, returning to the old textbook monopoly.
The shortcomings in the textbook issue show that legal documents need to be built in the overall relationship of the issue, so that the promulgated regulations not only ensure legality but also consider reasonableness, avoiding contradictions and creating loopholes.
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