Trust in the parent-teacher association is gradually fading when it comes to unreasonable income and expenditure, causing discrimination and division, not for the benefit of the majority of students but only for the wishes of a group of people. This loss of trust is so great that it overwhelms all the positive aspects of the parent-teacher association.
According to Circular 55/2011 of the Ministry of Education and Training on the operating regulations, the task of the class parent committee is to "coordinate with the homeroom teacher and subject teachers to organize student educational activities; coordinate with the homeroom teacher to prepare the content of parent meetings during the school year; participate in moral education for students; nurture and encourage good students, help weak students, mobilize students who have dropped out of school to continue studying; help poor students, disabled students and students in other difficult circumstances". If these tasks are properly performed, the role of the parent committee is clearly essential to work with the school to create a better learning environment for their children.
Not to mention the big things, just mentioning the very small things, we can see the role of the Parents' Association. When students participate in school movements, the Parents' Association will represent other parents to accompany and support students both materially and spiritually. Summary meetings, mid-term reviews, parties, awards... are mostly "run by" the Parents' Association. A little bigger, the opinions and suggestions of students, parents to the school, teachers are mostly also through the Parents' Association... There are also opinions that if there is no Parents' Association, other parents will do it. But who will take responsibility in each specific case when every parent is busy and has no clear responsibilities?
However, in reality, the Parents' Association also has countless problems. The most prominent of which are unreasonable collection and spending, imposition, unfair behavior... At that time, the association is no longer a bridge between parents and the school but becomes an "extended arm" of the school, not representing the wishes and interests of the majority of parents... At that time, when mentioning the Parents' Association, most parents only think of organizing the payment and standing on the school's side.
For this organization to truly represent the parents, to be the voice of the majority of parents, to properly carry out the role stated in the circulars and regulations, the highest responsibility belongs to the principal. If there is any mistake by the parents' representative board, the principal must take responsibility and cannot say that he is not involved, does not know... If this is done, the parents' representative board will truly return to being the voice of parents.
With parents who are trusted to represent the parents of the school and class, they need to act impartially, democratically, and for the true interests of the students. Other parents also need to contribute their voices to criticize and strongly fight against any wrongdoings, negativity, and injustices, if any, of this organization.
For the Parents' Association to return to its proper role, it requires the responsibility and cooperation of all parents.
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