Continuing the program of the 7th session of the 15th National Assembly, this afternoon, June 19, the National Assembly discussed in groups the Draft Law on People's Air Defense (PKND).
Delegate Nguyen Huu Dan participated in the discussion in the group on the afternoon of June 19 - Photo: TT
At the discussion session, National Assembly Deputy, Commander of the Quang Tri Provincial Military Command, Colonel Nguyen Huu Dan emphasized: The promulgation of the Law on People's Armed Forces will concretize the Party and State's guidelines on protecting the Fatherland, especially in the military and defense fields.
The delegate affirmed the essential role of the People's Air Defense Force in preventing and effectively handling air defense and security situations. In the context of the need to strengthen and develop defense zones in provinces and cities in the face of new challenges, the promulgation of this law will help enhance the ability to respond to and respond to risks and challenges from space. On the other hand, according to the delegate, the promulgation of the People's Air Defense Law will also help overcome shortcomings in the enforcement of current laws, avoiding overlapping functions and tasks between ministries, branches and related fields. At the same time, the law will ensure effectiveness and consistency in the management and operation of people's air defense work, contributing to building a solid defense zone, meeting the requirements of protecting the Fatherland in the new situation.
Regarding the transfer of management of unmanned aircraft and ultralight aircraft from the Law on Civil Aviation of Vietnam to the Law on PKND, delegate Nguyen Huu Dan said that currently, the provisions in the Law on Civil Aviation on management of unmanned aircraft lack specific sanctions and are only of principle. Specifically, the current provisions only assign the Ministry of National Defense to specify details without clear legal provisions.
Along with that, the Ministry of National Defense is taking the lead in managing and protecting the national airspace, supervising civil aviation activities, granting flight permits, managing military aircraft and unmanned aircraft. Transferring this content to the Law on PKND will be consistent with the functions and tasks of the Ministry of National Defense, ensuring tighter and more unified management.
On the other hand, according to the delegate, current legal documents do not have full regulations on the management of import and export and business of unmanned aircraft, leading to inconsistency in management. This conversion will help unify related regulations, avoiding overlap and inadequacies.
The delegate proposed to add the phrase “ order and safety” before the phrase “national defense and security” after the phrase “and aviation safety” in Clause 7, Article 2. The delegate explained that adding the phrase “social order and safety” is to expand the scope of the law, including issues related to social order and safety, ensuring aviation safety and national defense and security are more closely managed. This helps the law to be more comprehensive and comprehensive in regulating activities related to ultralight aircraft.
In Article 6, the delegate proposed to add the phrase “and foreign affairs” after the phrase “national defense and security” and before the phrase “of the nation” in Point a, b Clause 2. The delegate said that adding the phrase “and foreign affairs” aims to ensure that areas with important strategic positions in foreign affairs are also identified as key areas for PKND. This helps to strengthen the management and more comprehensive protection of areas with important strategic positions not only in terms of national defense and security but also in terms of foreign affairs.
Regarding Article 7: Prohibited acts, delegates proposed adding the phrase “aiding and abetting” after the phrase “and sabotage” and before the phrase “changing the status quo” in Clause 4 and adding the phrase “storing” after the phrase “exporting, importing” and before the phrase “exploiting and using unmanned aircraft” in Clause 6. The reason is that adding the acts of “aiding and abetting” and “storing” helps clarify prohibited acts, ensuring that no acts that may cause harm are overlooked. Specifically, the act of “aiding and abetting” in sabotaging PKND works and the act of “storing” ultralight aircraft illegally need to be more clearly defined to ensure deterrence and timely handling.
In Article 12: Organization of the People's Public Security Forces, delegate Nguyen Huu Dan proposed that the Drafting Committee add the phrase "and the air defense force concurrently serving as the border guard to implement" at the end of points b and c, clause 1. According to the delegate, this amendment aims to ensure that the People's Public Security Forces are organized in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Militia and Self-Defense Forces and the Law on Reserve Forces and that the air defense force concurrently serving as the border guard at all levels is organized in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of National Defense. Furthermore, this helps to unify and make the organization and operation of the People's Public Security Forces more effective, avoid overlapping functions and tasks, and ensure synchronous coordination between the forces.
Delegate Nguyen Huu Dan also proposed to amend Clause 1, Article 13 on the mobilization period of the People's Public Security Forces from 7 days to 12 days. This amendment is to be consistent with the training period of the militia forces of the armed forces stipulated in Circular 69/2020/TT-BQP dated June 15, 2020 of the Ministry of National Defense. This helps ensure consistency and conformity with training practice.
Thanh Tuan
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